
I can't comment on packaging, or some other aspects of your post, but in terms of installing Guacamole I admit to being slightly confused.

You mention Debian in the post title, the current stable version being 10.4 (buster) but then go on to talk about (presumably) Ubuntu 18.04, then 20.04?

Assuming you're actually deploying your Guacamole in Ubuntu 20.04 (or at least want to) then this post may be of some use:

Note I use Guacamole 1.1.0, not 1.2.0, which isn't yet released.

HTH, cheers.

On 22/05/2020 7:30 a.m., Robert Hardy wrote:

Currently the extreme lack of packaging for both guacamole and freerdp2 is really holding use of both project back.

It is resulting in insecure non-reproducible systems being deployed made with ugly hacks like build and upgrade shell scripts or similarly ugly ansible installers that build from source.

guacamole seems to be a lot happier when compiled against the more recent releases of freerdp i.e. 2.0.0 release (or possibly later.)

Assuming the end users can make them work at all, those unpackaged installs create very brittle systems that are unsupportable at scale.

I inherited one deployed using shell scripts but it did not work after an upgrade from 18.04 to 20.04. I fortunately made a clone of my working 18.04 VM before attempting the OS upgrade so I'm not SOL.

Currently there seem to be two blocking issues:
1. Due to database changes, 1.2.0 of guacamole is needed in order to be able to upgrade to the current stable of release of 20.04 Ubuntu. That isn't available.
2. The build dependency of freerdp2 release is not available.
The closest I've been able to come to this was a copy of the daily build of freerdp on the day that 2.0.0 was released. It was imperfect but that did work at least at a shell script level at the time. 2.0.0 of freerdp has security issues and has been replaced by 2.1.0 and possibly now 2.1.1 which has been posted but not announced.

focal currently has an ancient git release/daily snapshot of freerdp i.e. 2.0.0~git20190204.1.2693389a+dfsg1-2build2. That is not going to like guacamole. Replacing it is going to be complicated as xrdp depends on that.

It's a bit like trying to build systems on quicksand right now as no one wants to be involved with packaging their software...

On 2020-05-16 7:29 a.m., Nick Couchman wrote:
On Fri, May 15, 2020 at 11:25 PM Reinert Korsnes < <>> wrote:

    It seems to be no package for guackamole in the standard
    repositories of
    the latest version of debian (10.4, buster).

    Any rumors about when debian will include it?

The Guacamole project does not maintain packages for any Linux distributions. We provide binaries of the Guacamole Client (Java) components of the web application, as those are platform and distribution-agnostic, but we do not provide binary builds of Guacamole Server, nor do we package any the components for a particular distribution.

The distributions that do have packages are generally community-maintained - so, the Guacamole packages are available in the EPEL repository, for example, for RHEL and CentOS, but they are not officially maintained by Red Hat, but by a volunteer from the community. I would imagine the same is true for other distributions that have available packages.

For Debian, if you can find an Ubuntu repository with the packages they may be compatible, but it's hard to say.


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