On Fri, Jul 10, 2020 at 6:26 AM faris backer <farisbacke...@gmail.com>

> Hi,
> We have deployed guacamole container under ECS fargate with loadbalancer in
> front of it.
> While invoking RESTApi we are getting authentication(403) failure.
> AuthToken
> was generated successfully, But further request with authtoken failed wih
> 403 error. By deep diving we understood that its because
> both request was going to different container. Authtoken generated was only
> valid for container in which it was invoked.
> Is Authtoken saved in memory ? Can authoken be used for both container ?
Yes, the auth token is currently only stored in-memory.  There have been
discussions about finding other ways to store both auth tokens and
connection information, but no significant progress.  See:


> Workaround as of now, I am planning is to use cookies with request and
> enable stickiness in loadbalancer.
That seems like a reasonable approach.


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