Am 16.02.21 um 14:26 schrieb Thomas Besser:
Am 16.02.21 um 09:45 schrieb Mike Jumper:
2) Make sure Guacamole is configured to retrieve user groups from LDAP.

Yes, I forgot that I read about that a few days ago. I tried once
without success to retrieve groups from LDAP. But that may be based on
the complex situation regarding LDAP here.

It's a centralized LDAP server, I can access all relevant users and
groups (according to LDAP_SEARCH_BIND_DN, like
cn=admin,dc=example,dc=org), but this account is not within
LDAP_USER_BASE_DN or LDAP_GROUP_BASE_DN. So it is not possible to login
to guacamole web interface with this account.

If I read correct,
it should be possible, to create that LDAP group manually in database
with the same name!?

Adding a user (without a password) and configure connections to this
does work. But creating a group with the same name as in LDAP does not.

The according ldap group is of type "posixGroup" with "memberUid" as
"ldap-member-attribute" and "uid" as "ldap-member-attribute-type".
Probably that is the reaseon.
does not mention anything to configure this with "optional environment

I tried to set environment variables for docker:

But did not work.

A look into the docker container "guacamole" shows that the environment variables above found the way into the file "". There now exists two lines with...

ldap-member-attribute: memberUid
ldap-member-attribute-type: uid

But still no connections are shown when I login with a ldap account which is member of the configured group.

Am I missing something else?


Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
archIT [IT-Management der Fakultät Architektur]
Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Besser
Gebäude 11.40, Raum 010 | Fon +49 721 608 46024

KIT - Die Forschungsuniversität in der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft

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