Hi Mathew

Well I've been doing some experimenting.   I created an Ubuntu 20.04 server
on Digital Ocean cloud.

Whether I use my old Ubuntu 18.04 Guacamole install scripts or updated ones
I made for Ubuntu 20.04 if I
point my browser to:


*II *end up with a blank white screen where the Guacamole login screen
should be.

So I tried 5 different Docker (docker-compose) Guacamole Installation

*4 out of the 5 ended up also giving me a blank white screen where the
Guacamole login screen should be ???*

1 of the 5 actually worked.

I then used all of my scripts except the *setup-guac.sh* and
*setup-nginx.sh* to install everything else in LXD containers
*in*cluding XRDP so I could setup Guacamole to connect to the LXD
containers using RDP.

*I configured the Docker Guacamole like I would if it was running my one of
my LXD containers and for a Connection*
*I pointed it to the 10.x.x.x IP address of my LXD CN1 container and up
popped the Ubuntu Mate Desktop.*

I didn't have to make any unusual changes in addressing, routing etc for
the Docker Guacamole to connect me to the
LXD CN1 container with the Mate Desktop.

It all worked including the Audio, printing, file transfer (up/down).

I do have one more experiment with a non-Docker Guacamole I want to do as
the performance using Docker Guacamole
was not quite as good as the Guacamole running in an LXD container (a bit
more stutter while watching youtube videos).

I'll let you know any further progress.


On Wed, Aug 18, 2021 at 10:18 PM Matthew Lawson <m3.lawson...@gmail.com>

> Well...the instructions didn't work out as expected.
> I created a new docker version of cn1 (the other was created w/ lxd/lxc)
> using docker's ubuntu:20.04 image.  I used `docker run -it --name cn1 --net
> host -p 3389:3389 ubuntu:20.04 /bin/bash`.  Then I ran the
> guacamole/guacamole image the same way.
> I could connect to cn1 w/ Remmina, after shell-ing into cn1 w/ docker and
> install xrdp etc.  Unfortunately, it only gave me a blank screen - not even
> a shell prompt.
> I could shell into the guac container w/ Docker, but couldn't otherwise
> access it.  I tried linking guacd to guacamole, but Docker griped at me
> about not being able to link containers if they used the host's network.
> After that, I tried running the automagic script from boschkundendienst's
> github repo.  It seems to work, inasmuch as the guac login page shows up,
> and I can log in.  No luck w/ making a connection, though.  I tried a
> simple ssh connection to cn1 (it was created w/ port 22 mapped to 52022).
> It didn't work.
>  I'm googling around for next steps.
> ~ML
> On Tuesday, August 17, 2021, Matthew Lawson <m3.lawson...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Use it as much as you like 🙃
>> I’ll try out your method tonight or tomorrow.
>> I appreciate the help.
>> ~ML
>> On Aug 16, 2021, 5:20 PM -0400, Ivanmarcus <ivanmar...@yahoo.com.invalid>,
>> wrote:
>> Matthew,
>> Great analogy, do you mind if I pinch it? I could use something like
>> that a lot! ;-)
>> To simply try what you've got, on the same host IP, here's a suggestion
>> from a terminal on your host machine:
>> docker run -it -h cn1 --net host -p 3389:3389 cn1 /bin/bash
>> This should start up the cn1 container with the same IP address as your
>> host, expose 3389 internal to 3389 external, and drop you in a bash
>> shell on that container. Once you're happy with that just ctrl-p ctrl-q
>> to exit, but leave the container running.
>> I've assumed the name 'cn1' for your container here, but you can
>> obviously use whatever is correct. The -h parameter will name the
>> running container 'cn1' too, otherwise it'll just give you a weird name
>> (which is fine, you'd just need to use docker ps to find it!).
>> Then:
>> docker run -it -h guacamole --net host -p 8080:8080 guacamole /bin/bash
>> Same as with cn1, except this'll expose internal port 8080 to external
>> port 8080.
>> Again, once running & checked you can just ctrl-p ctrl-q to exit.
>> From there you should now be able to access both containers on their
>> respective ports. First using Remmina to cn1 (host IP address, port
>> 3389) then, assuming cn1 is working, browse to host IP address port 8080
>> and see if you get Guacamole, the rest should follow from there.
>> Using the parameters I've given means you should later be able to
>> connect in to the containers from a terminal using something like:
>> docker container exec -it [container name] /bin/bash
>> Then you can do/check whatever you need and just type 'exit' whenever
>> you're finished to be dropped back to the host terminal *without*
>> closing the container.
>> Note I've *not* tried this and I could be leading you up a long and
>> winding path so perhaps asking some real girls and boys on those forums
>> is advisable - still no harm in trying this I guess...
>> On 17/08/21 3:04 am, Matthew Lawson wrote:
>> You may not be a Docker expert, but you know more than me about it.
>> What I know about docker and networking can be summed up as follows:
>> user:~$ cat ~/network-and-docker-knowledge.txt
>> cat: /home/user/network-and-docker-knowledge.txt: No such file or
>> directory
>> user:~$
>> I'll give your suggestion a try once I find some resources to explain
>> how I might do it.
>> In the meantime, I think I'll cross-post this question on the Docker and
>> LXC/LXC forums.
>> ~ML
>> On Monday, August 16, 2021, Ivanmarcus <ivanmar...@yahoo.com.invalid>
>> wrote:
>> Great, that's made it a bit easier to fault-find.
>> Unfortunately I'm not a Docker expert, and have never had anything
>> to do with LXD, so I'd treat anything I say from here with suspicion!
>> In the interests of keeping things simple, I've tended to try and
>> keep any Docker containers as standalone instances on the same
>> common subnet as I might normally. This may not be the strictly
>> approved way, but it works for me.
>> To that end I would restart the Guacamole and cn1 Docker instances
>> with their own ip address on your normal subnet (eg. 192.168.1.xxx).
>> This would avoid the need to go through any routing drama and should
>> mean that everything, including your host machine, can see
>> everything else.
>> I've done this in the past either via the cli, or alternatively with
>> a docker-compose file uisng macvlan.
>> Alternatively you could also use the host option and just assign
>> different ports as you need to the Docker instances and keep them
>> all on the same IP address. For instance cn1 may only need port 3389
>> accessible, and Guacamole port 8080 which means both can be on the
>> (same) host IP. It's also possible to alias the ports too, but
>> probably no need here.
>> With luck someone with a lot more clues than me will come along
>> shortly and suggest a better way, but in the meantime you could give
>> this a try as I've had good success with this methodology.
>> On 16/08/21 1:20 pm, Matthew Lawson wrote:
>> Remmina connected to cn1 right away.
>> Does the routing path look something like this:
>> Guac on Docker ==> Docker Bridge ==> Host Network ==> LXD Bridge
>> ==> cn1?
>> ~ML
>> On Aug 15, 2021, 8:24 PM -0400, Ivanmarcus
>> <ivanmar...@yahoo.com.invalid>, wrote:
>> Matthew,
>> There could be a few reasons for this issue, but in
>> fault-finding I
>> guess I'd start with first trying a direct RDP connection to
>> cn1 (ie.
>> not via Guacamole).
>> Not sure if you're using a Linux or Win machine, but I find
>> Remmina is a
>> good Linux tool for testing RDP and VNC connections.
>> That should at least give you an idea if cn1 is performing
>> as it should,
>> and therefore potentially narrow down where you need to look
>> for the
>> problem. All that said, given you mention the Docker
>> containers are
>> using their default IP range, I do wonder if there's simply
>> a routing
>> issue...
>> On 16/08/21 12:48 am, Matthew Lawson wrote:
>> I could use some pointers (advice/resources) about
>> establishing an RDP
>> connection between Guacamole set up with Docker
>> containers and a Linux
>> container running ubuntu 20.04.
>> Since Brian Mullan's CIAB setup inspired this endeavor,
>> the Linux
>> container is named 'cn1'.
>> When I try to connect to cn1, I receive an error message
>> telling me that
>> cn1 is taking too long to respond.
>> cn1 has xrdp installed, but no Guac elements.
>> The host for the containers is running Ubuntu 20.04
>> (newly-installed).
>> The Docker containers have their own network
>> (172.xxx....), which is
>> visible to the host. The LXC's ip address is 10.xxx...,
>> also visible to
>> the host.
>> I can ping between all three elements: host to
>> containers, Docker to
>> cn1, cn1 to host, etc.
>> In Guac's 'Connections' setup, I used cn1's
>> ip address and port 3389.
>> No joy when I try to connect though.
>> Thoughts anyone?  References to tutorials?  Has this
>> question already
>> been answered on the mailing list?
>> ~ML
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