In Remmina, if you've set up a connection, you can edit that connection to see some of the settings it uses (colour depth for example). You can also turn on a debug window which may show more - although I've seen mixed comments on that.

I suppose it's possible you have two or more versions of FreeRDP on your system. It could be worth checking that before going too far - to see what Remmina's using first find the plugin:

dpkg -L remmina-plugin-rdp | fgrep

(my Ubuntu 18.04 shows /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/remmina/plugins/


ldd /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/remmina/plugins/ | grep libfree

should show the FreeRDP version.

If you compiled Guacamole from scratch you'll know if this is the same version you introduced then. If it is then you'd generally expect it to work as it does with Remmina (all commands being equal), if not then there could be some subtle differences so you'd need to proceed with a degree of caution.

Note that being the same doesn't necessarily mean that Guacamole must work, all you're doing at this point is trying to eliminate a few possible issues so that it's easier to focus closer to where the issue might lay.

Having said all that I don't recall seeing much about your Guacamole installation? I seem to recall some possible issue with graphics if a proxy is in use, so if the problem persists it could be worth checking that and/or letting is know more about your setup.

One other thing that's also worth doing before going too far is simply to clear your browser cache - that's caused many a problem in the past.

That probably exhausts my ideas at this point, however going through these things may well assist others to more readily identify the actual issue...

On 12/01/22 8:56 pm, Fernando C. de Urien y Muñiz wrote:
Hi! Thanks for your answer.
Just tried with "remmina/freeRDP" on ubuntu 20.04 (same as guacd box) and it works.  I already tried to disable catching.

is there anyway to see the "settings" that remmina used to connect so I can "set them up" in guacamole?


El mié, 12 ene 2022 a las 3:07, Ivanmarcus (<>) escribió:


    I have zero experience of your remote environment, however perhaps you
    could try initially connecting direct with Remmina/FreeRDP (pref the
    same version as you're using for Guacamole)?

    If that works then try Guacamole again, specifically disabling all the
    caching options. It may also be worth experimenting with some different
    display settings (eg. true colour etc).

    If perchance a direct FreeRDP connection doesn't work I suspect
    Guacamole won't either, until whatever impediment is resolved. However
    in that instance it should narrow things down somewhat and hopefully
    make it a little easier to resolve.

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