Sorry for the delayed reply, We had ice storms and it kept me from work.
So I'm not really any further.
I killed guacd (systemctl stop guacd), and then, as root, from the /etc/init.d directory, ran ./guacd start -L debug -f
I'm not getting anything on console, but checking journalctl -xe I see the same "no such tunnel" and "connection to guacd timed out" messages
BTW - this is on Debian 11, if that has any bearing
root@guac:/etc/init.d# ./guacd start -L debug -f
Starting guacd: guacd[4427]: INFO:      Guacamole proxy daemon (guacd) version 1.4.0 started

root@guac:/etc/init.d# journalctl -xe
Feb 28 07:53:42 guac systemd[1]: Stopping LSB: Guacamole proxy daemon...
¦¦ Subject: A stop job for unit guacd.service has begun execution
¦¦ Defined-By: systemd
¦¦ Support:
¦¦ A stop job for unit guacd.service has begun execution.
¦¦ The job identifier is 3112.
Feb 28 07:53:42 guac guacd[4422]: Stopping guacd: SUCCESS
Feb 28 07:53:42 guac systemd[1]: guacd.service: Succeeded.
¦¦ Subject: Unit succeeded
¦¦ Defined-By: systemd
¦¦ Support:
¦¦ The unit guacd.service has successfully entered the 'dead' state.
Feb 28 07:53:42 guac systemd[1]: guacd.service: Unit process 4354 (guacd) remains running after unit stopped.
Feb 28 07:53:42 guac systemd[1]: Stopped LSB: Guacamole proxy daemon.
¦¦ Subject: A stop job for unit guacd.service has finished
¦¦ Defined-By: systemd
¦¦ Support:
¦¦ A stop job for unit guacd.service has finished.
¦¦ The job identifier is 3112 and the job result is done.
Feb 28 07:53:55 guac guacd[4427]: Guacamole proxy daemon (guacd) version 1.4.0 started
Feb 28 07:53:55 guac guacd[4429]: Listening on host, port 4822

root@guac:/etc/init.d# journalctl -xe
Feb 28 07:53:42 guac systemd[1]: Stopping LSB: Guacamole proxy daemon...
¦¦ Subject: A stop job for unit guacd.service has begun execution
¦¦ Defined-By: systemd
¦¦ Support:
¦¦ A stop job for unit guacd.service has begun execution.
¦¦ The job identifier is 3112.
Feb 28 07:53:42 guac guacd[4422]: Stopping guacd: SUCCESS
Feb 28 07:53:42 guac systemd[1]: guacd.service: Succeeded.
¦¦ Subject: Unit succeeded
¦¦ Defined-By: systemd
¦¦ Support:
¦¦ The unit guacd.service has successfully entered the 'dead' state.
Feb 28 07:53:42 guac systemd[1]: guacd.service: Unit process 4354 (guacd) remains running after unit stopped.
Feb 28 07:53:42 guac systemd[1]: Stopped LSB: Guacamole proxy daemon.
¦¦ Subject: A stop job for unit guacd.service has finished
¦¦ Defined-By: systemd
¦¦ Support:
¦¦ A stop job for unit guacd.service has finished.
¦¦ The job identifier is 3112 and the job result is done.
Feb 28 07:53:55 guac guacd[4427]: Guacamole proxy daemon (guacd) version 1.4.0 started
Feb 28 07:53:55 guac guacd[4429]: Listening on host, port 4822
Feb 28 07:54:28 guac tomcat9[4361]: 07:54:28.098 [http-nio-8080-exec-9] WARN  o.a.g.s.GuacamoleHTTPTunnelServlet - HTTP tunnel request rejected: No such tunnel.
Feb 28 07:54:38 guac tomcat9[4361]: 07:54:38.128 [http-nio-8080-exec-7] ERROR o.a.g.s.GuacamoleHTTPTunnelServlet - HTTP tunnel request failed: Connection to guacd ti>

root@guac:/etc/init.d# journalctl -xe
Feb 28 07:53:42 guac systemd[1]: Stopping LSB: Guacamole proxy daemon...
¦¦ Subject: A stop job for unit guacd.service has begun execution
¦¦ Defined-By: systemd
¦¦ Support:
¦¦ A stop job for unit guacd.service has begun execution.
¦¦ The job identifier is 3112.
Feb 28 07:53:42 guac guacd[4422]: Stopping guacd: SUCCESS
Feb 28 07:53:42 guac systemd[1]: guacd.service: Succeeded.
¦¦ Subject: Unit succeeded
¦¦ Defined-By: systemd
¦¦ Support:
¦¦ The unit guacd.service has successfully entered the 'dead' state.
Feb 28 07:53:42 guac systemd[1]: guacd.service: Unit process 4354 (guacd) remains running after unit stopped.
Feb 28 07:53:42 guac systemd[1]: Stopped LSB: Guacamole proxy daemon.
¦¦ Subject: A stop job for unit guacd.service has finished
¦¦ Defined-By: systemd
¦¦ Support:
¦¦ A stop job for unit guacd.service has finished.
¦¦ The job identifier is 3112 and the job result is done.
Feb 28 07:53:55 guac guacd[4427]: Guacamole proxy daemon (guacd) version 1.4.0 started
Feb 28 07:53:55 guac guacd[4429]: Listening on host, port 4822
Feb 28 07:54:28 guac tomcat9[4361]: 07:54:28.098 [http-nio-8080-exec-9] WARN  o.a.g.s.GuacamoleHTTPTunnelServlet - HTTP tunnel request rejected: No such tunnel.
Feb 28 07:54:38 guac tomcat9[4361]: 07:54:38.128 [http-nio-8080-exec-7] ERROR o.a.g.s.GuacamoleHTTPTunnelServlet - HTTP tunnel request failed: Connection to guacd ti>
Feb 28 07:54:58 guac tomcat9[4361]: 07:54:58.541 [http-nio-8080-exec-5] WARN  o.a.g.s.GuacamoleHTTPTunnelServlet - HTTP tunnel request rejected: No such tunnel.
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