I hope someone can point me in the right direction. I have followed the
documentation for installing Guacamole (1.4.0). Almost everything seems to
be successful, but there are two areas that I'm confused about and the end
result is that I can't get things running properly.

The first problem is a difference in naming between the documentation and
the information returned by the newly installed Tomcat server. In the
documentation, the WAR file is placed in CATALINA_HOME/webapps/. However,
the following is the message from the newly installer Tomcat (9):
Tomcat veterans might be pleased to learn that this system instance of
Tomcat is installed with CATALINA_HOME in /usr/share/tomcat9 and
CATALINA_BASE in /var/lib/tomcat9

I looked in both of these locations, and CATALINA_HOME (/usr/share/tomcat9)
does not contain a directory "webapps". However, CATALINA_BASE
(/var/lib/tomcat9) does have this directory. I have made the guess
that CATALINA_BASE is where I need to put the WAR file. This appears to
work from the messages that Tomcat emits when I restart it and look at the
output of systemctl status tomcat9.

The second area of confusion is that the documentation mentions "An example
of a user mapping file is included with Guacamole" on the following page:
I think that I have installed Guacamole correctly according to the
documentation, but the install process did not result in the creation of an
/etc/guacamole directory. And therefore there are no default configuration
files. Are there basic example config files that will get things up and
running in a basic testing mode, so that I can eliminate a variable as to
why things are not running?

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