On Thu, Sep 1, 2022 at 7:57 AM Robert Simmons <rsimmo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 1) Disable IPv6
> 2) Make sure the symbolic link (or the war file) is named guacamole.war. If 
> it is guacamole-1.4.0.war then then the URL to access guacamole becomes 
> <hostname>:8080/guacamole-1.4.0/
> Thanks for the quick help!!
> I will need to read up on Tomcat setup to get that right. It looks like the 
> default for the Ubuntu tomcat9 package is a little off from what the guac 
> documentation expects. It doesn't appear to have an adverse effect. I did get 
> things up and running as is.
> I'm glad that the install process isn't failing to create /etc/guacamole. 
> Variable eliminated.
> I identified two issues that were blocking me. First is that with IPv6 
> enabled and no guacd configuration file, the daemon defaults to listening on 
> port 4822 on IPv6 localhost only. If I disable IPv6 with the following, and 
> restart, it then listens on localhost port 4822 IPv4.
> sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6 = 1
> sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.default.disable_ipv6 = 1
> sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.lo.disable_ipv6 = 1
> These can be done permanently:
> https://itsfoss.com/disable-ipv6-ubuntu-linux/

You can also specify an IPv4 address in /etc/guacamole/guacd.conf for
guacd to listen on, which will take care of this issue without having
to completely disable IPv6.


> The second issue is tomcat chooses the name of the folder it creates for the 
> webapp based on the filename of the webapp. Therefore, I needed to make sure 
> that I use the correct URL (or just change the war file name).

Yes, this is normal behavior for Tomcat. You can also name the WAR
file ROOT.war, which will deploy it at /. This is what I do in my
environment since Guacamole is the only thing using that particular
instance of Tomcat.

> I am uncomfortable with the war file, which is an executable, being located 
> in /etc, so I think I will determine a better location for it to reside, but 
> other than that, I have a login screen and a reference point to build and 
> configure from going forward.

The WAR file need not be executable, nor does it need to be located in
/etc. As you mentioned before, on Ubuntu, if you use the Tomcat
package provided, webapps ends up being at /var/lib/tomcat/webapps,
and that is where the WAR file can be deployed. WAR and JAR files are
just ZIP archives with some special files that tell the Java
Application Server (Tomcat, in this case) how to deploy the contents,
so there is no reason they need to be executable.


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