On Thu, Dec 8, 2022 at 8:34 AM Joachim Lindenberg <guacam...@lindenberg.one>

> Hello Mike,
> thanks for that. I started trying out that route. I figured out I probably
> also need an html template, a controller, probably additions to manifest,
> but cannot get the field to be displayed yet, and also don´t see any errors
> in the browsers console I can attribute to that. I enabled debug logging in
> guacamole container. I can tell that my module.js (referenced from
> manifest)
> is included and executes, but I cannot find my config, controller and
> template within the network trace. Should they be included in manifest
> (totp
> doesn´t)?

Everything has to be in the manifest somehow. The TOTP support doesn't
include those specific files in the manifest because part of that
extension's build process is JavaScript minification and concatenation.
They're there implicitly via the single file that it does include.

Any tip what to watch out for? Is there any debug support for the browser
> parts?

You need to make sure your module is added as a dependency of the "index"
module or your module's config, etc. will not be loaded with the rest of
the app. You need to also make sure that all relevant files are part of the
manifest (either through being explicitly included or through a
concatenation step). You should also double check that the field type name
defined in the Java half of your field exactly matches the field type name
that you're registering - if they don't match, the webapp won't be able to
locate and render your field.

If things still are not behaving as expected, I recommend adding some
console.log() calls around the various parts of your code to see what files
are loaded vs. not, what parts of your module are loaded vs. not, etc. That
might give you an idea where to look for the problem.

- Mike

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