
Approximately once or twice a month our users will put in a trouble ticket
saying they've logged into Guacamole and then receive this error when
trying to RDP to a server:  "An internal error has occurred within the
Guacamole server, and the connection has been terminated. If the problem
persists, please notify your system administrator, or check your system

When this happens I'll log into the Guacamole server and issue a "service
guacd restart" which fixes it. Looking at the system message log there are
always a lot of guacd exited on signal 11 messages, but when this
particular problem happens the message is guacd exited on signal 6.

The server is currently running FreeBSD 13.2, although in the past it had
run 13.1, 13.0, and possibly 12.X. All ports are up to date as well.

We give this VM 2GB of RAM and there are never more than 5 people using
Guacamole at a time.

Has anybody else experienced this running Guacamole on FreeBSD? Thank you!

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