On Mon, Jul 10, 2023 at 2:06 PM Brian Filipek
<bfili...@betterworldbooks.com.invalid> wrote:

> Hi Nick,
> Yes last week I enabled debug logging so we'll see what it says next time
> this happens.

Sounds good.

> We used to have Guacamole running on Debian but the experience was awful.
> Anytime a user attempted to RDP to a Windows server in which they had a
> running but disconnected session Guacamole would not allow them to connect
> to it. I would then have to remote into whichever Windows server and log
> the user off. Then they would be able to connect to it with Guacamole. It
> works great in FreeBSD other than this problem which seems to happen every
> few weeks.
Interesting - I'm not sure why running on Linux would cause this, unless
it's something to do with the FreeRDP version. Personally I run on both
CentOS7 and CentOS Stream 8 and routinely disconnect from sessions and
reconnect with no issue at all.

> Memory is definitely not an issue here. We aren't doing anything fancy
> with it. According to top each session only uses a few MB.
Yeah, sounds like a pretty low-traffic use-case.


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