Increase your CPUs to 2x6 (12Core) then increase RAM to at least 24G, then make sure your networking is at least 1G, this will help some.

I would also use Window 2019 or Ubuntu with xRDP

Hope this helps.

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igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum!!!

Epitoma Rei Militaris

On 1/18/2024 11:28 AM, Nick Couchman wrote:
On Thu, Jan 18, 2024 at 2:20 PM Barnhart, Steven <> wrote:

    Hi there,

    We have some use cases where (unfortunatelty) users are reviewing
    videos from a remote machine and using Guacamole to connect. The
    viewing of videos is where the problem lies. A 720p sample video
    viewed through Guacamole is very laggy and the audio pops in/out.
    It is not reliable. During video playback, all other mouse
    movements or commands are delayed on the server as well. I see on
    the server side when viewing a video that a guacd process spikes
    to 80-100%. We are also using Docker.

     1. I assume Guacamole encodes the rdp and sends it as video in
        some way? Is there a way to use hardware accelertation such as
        intel vaapi/quicksync for this process and could it maybe help?

Not as video, as images. The Guacamole software/protocol does some calculations to try to choose the best image format possible, but video/visual data is transferred as images.

I do not know of any hardware acceleration that is currently supported. The one thing that might help is support for GFX over RDP, which is in the master branch and should be released in the 1.6.0 release, whenever that happens (later this year).


     2. Is it believed Docker vs native would have any real difference
        in playing and streaming a video from an RDP session?

I doubt this would make a difference.


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