> Is there any way to make that SSL a mutual SSL / mutual TLS
> authentication? in that way, the client will authenticate the daemon, and
> the daemon will authenticate the client, and everybody should be happy
> (reference:
> https://www.cloudflare.com/learning/access-management/what-is-mutual-tls/)
Today, no, but there is a feature our in Jira for it. Just hasn't been
implemented, yet:


> Also, in general, which are the security implications of having a guacd
> serving request to incoming internet requests? Are there any docs you can
> share on that?
Without the mutual authentication implementation, you don't want to do this
- it would basically allow anyone with any sort of Guacamole client to
connect to guacd and attempt to open connections to all of your protected

> Finally, if having guacd exposed to the world is not a good idea, should
> we go with something like ssh tunnels or site-to-site VPNs to get the
> remote locations connected with the cloud deployed client? Any other
> options to consider?
Yes, you could either do site-to-site VPNs or SSH tunneling to protect the


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