On Mon, Sep 26, 2016 at 2:06 PM, Philip Herbert <m...@pherbert.de> wrote:
> Hello,

Hi Philip,

> after upgrading to the latest code on git, safari reproducibly crashes on 
> every attempt to open an ssh connection.

Please report this to Apple.

If there is something that we can do within Guacamole to mitigate
this, then we'll definitely do so (assuming doing so doesn't cripple
guac for others), but browsers should absolutely never crash, period.
If JavaScript of any kind can cause a browser to fully crash, then
that is a major bug in that browser.

> I managed to capture the following error, but I am not sure if this is the 
> only one:
> navigator.webkitGetUserMedianavigator.webkitGetUserMedia
> app.js:8314Error: undefined is not an object (evaluating 
> '(navigator.getUserMedia||navigator.webkitGetUserMedia||navigator.mozGetUserMedia||navigator.msGetUserMedia).bind')
> RawAudioRecorder@https://webterminal.knauber.de/app.js?v=0.9.10-incubating:25:274061
> getInstance@https://webterminal.knauber.de/app.js?v=0.9.10-incubating:25:273747

Thanks for this.

That's definitely a bug, though not one that should cause the browser
to die (not that ANY bug should cause the browser to die ... see
above). I'll open an issue to fix this, but I suspect that the
connection should still proceed normally. The error is due to Safari
either not having or not providing access to the media APIs used to
support audio input. We should add appropriate checks such that the
error does not occur, but I believe that even as-is the connection
should simply continue without audio input.

My best recommendation for the time being is to report the crash to
Apple, as that's definitely a bug in Safari, and possibly one that can
only they can remedy.


- Mike

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