Hello Mike,

of course you are right, a brower should not crash. I doubt apple will respond 
to such a bugreport. 

IE11 on Win 8.1 is also reporting an error on console when opening the ssh 

TypeError: Die Eigenschaft "focus" eines undefinierten oder Nullverweises kann 
nicht abgerufen werden.   at r 
(https://webterminal.knauber.de/app.js?v=0.9.10-incubating:45:13290)   at W 
(https://webterminal.knauber.de/app.js?v=0.9.10-incubating:45:6827)   at 
(https://webterminal.knauber.de/app.js?v=0.9.10-incubating:25:187964)   at 
(https://webterminal.knauber.de/app.js?v=0.9.10-incubating:25:189489)   at V 
(https://webterminal.knauber.de/app.js?v=0.9.10-incubating:25:165533)   at Q 
(https://webterminal.knauber.de/app.js?v=0.9.10-incubating:25:167776)   at 
U.onload (https://webterminal.knauber.de/app.js?v=0.9.10-incubating:25:168343)

If needed , I can rerun the test on an english os to have english language 
error message.

BTW: This Software is amazing !


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