
so this is how it works on Ubuntu, but I guess that it won't be so much
different on any other OS.

If you wan't to customize your interface without modify the file
guacamole.min.js (which is strongly recommanded) you'll have to create a
jar file that'll be put in the extensions folder of GUACAMOLE_HOME ( for me
/usr/share/tomcat7/.guacamole/extensions )

For this you'll need jdk tool with file tool : jar

for instance if you want to had a banner to your login screen :

- Create a folder banner (the name is not important) and enter the folder
- inside create a file named :  guac-manifest.json
- Inside put the following code :


    "guacamoleVersion" : "0.9.12-incubating",

    "name"      : "Banner or what you want",
    "namespace" : "Banner or what you want",

    "html" : [ "html/banner.html" ]



- then create html folder and enter in

- create the file banner.html

-inside put the following code :

<meta name="after" content=".login-ui .login-dialog">

<div class="welcome">
    <h2>Welcome on our Guacamole Server!</h2>
        Please read our<a href="/path/to/some/privacy.html">privacy
policy</a> before login.

- Go back in banner folder
- Create your jar file : jar cvf banner.jar .
- move your jar in the extensions folder of your GUACAMOLE_HOME

Now you should add a banner under your login field on your guacamole login

If for instance you wanted to put something below your connections on UI
you should have replaced  <meta name="after" content=".login-ui
.login-dialog"> with <meta name="after" content="div.all-connections">

(Use F12 on your browser to find the selector to work with)

This was a very short how to just help people to start using extensions.

All other information you need can be found there :



2017-04-26 9:57 GMT+02:00 Processor <processor....@gmail.com>:

> Yes I did it !!
> Very easy finaly, I'll made a little how once I finish what I'm doing.
> Proc.!
> 2017-04-25 15:26 GMT+02:00 Processor <processor....@gmail.com>:
>> Hi,
>> Till release 0.9.9 I modified guacamole.min.js each time I needed to
>> tweak the guacamole user interface. (Branding, icons changes, section adds
>> in UI to explain users how to exploit at best guacamole etc.)
>> In 0.9.12 guacamole.min.js seems very tough, and I think I'll spend more
>> time trying to use it than learning to use guacamole extensions.
>> So I looked : this section in the manual :
>> http://guacamole.incubator.apache.org/doc/gug/guacamole-ext.html
>> My java skills are near to 0, and the only things that helped me till now
>> is that I'm obstinate and that I have a little bit of knowing on some other
>> languages.
>> But even after reading several time the chapter about guacamole-ext I
>> have to say : I'M STUCK!
>> First of all I just would like to add a section below all connections
>> section, so if any one has  tips to modify the html of the UI through
>> extensions modules or anyway else you are welcome. (for instance describe
>> how to add an H2 header)
>> Many thanks by advance for your help.
>> Cheers,
>> Proc.

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