On Thu, Sep 28, 2017 at 12:23 PM, Kevin Rivrain <kevin.rivr...@netplus.fr>

> Hello everyone,
> I have a problem when disconnecting a Windows Server 2012. Indeed, this
> message appear : « The remote desktop server is currently unavailable. If
> the problem persists, please notify your system administrator, or check
> your system logs. »
> Error log message : « guacamole01 guacd[1453]: Error handling RDP file
> descriptors »
> Isn’t present on Windows 2008 (log : « guacamole01 guacd[1436]: RDP
> server closed connection: Disconnected. »).
> What might be the reason for the problem?
> Sincerely,
> Kevin

A few questions for you:
- What version of Guacamole are you running?
- How did you install guacd?  Was it a package, or did you build it
- Does this happen consistently with multiple Windows 2012 servers, or just
a single one?
- Does it happen when you Disconnect, Log Off, or both?


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