On Mon, Oct 16, 2017 at 11:06 AM, McRoy, Jeffrey (GE Healthcare) <
jeffrey.mc...@ge.com> wrote:

> Hi Everyone,
> The newer versions of guacd allow for setting the color scheme, font size,
> and session capture. It looks like these are all set at the creation of the
> connection using guacd parameters. So far, I haven’t found a reference to
> accessing these features through the Javascript layer so users can control
> them. Is this the case, or did I miss something?
> Thanks & Regards,
> Jeff

To my knowledge these parameters cannot be adjusted in Guacamole after a
connection is established.  They are connection parameters, so they are
configured with the connection and then set by the Guacamole Client when
talking to guacd at connection time.

That said, I believe some recent enhancements to guacd allow for better
manipulation of the Guacamole terminal from within the destination system.
Linux, in particular, has fairly extensive support for tweaking the
terminal while you're using it, so there may be some of those things (color
schemes, in particular) that can be adjusted in the session that you are
logged into rather than worrying about them on the client side.  I'm not
sure if font size/zoom is one of those things, though - I've been using
xfce-terminal for so long, now, that my skills for raw terminal
manipulation are a bit dull!


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