On Wed, Aug 8, 2012 at 11:09 AM, Alex McLintock
<alex.mclint...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> what the hell, why so many unsubscribing mail
> Because so many people were made to join this mailing list without
> being asked first.

no, they weren't asked, but they were informed several times that the
lists would be merging.   I know I've seen no less than 3 emails,
probably received far more.

> On 8 August 2012 15:50, Dan O'Bryan <dobr...@adknowledge.com> wrote:
>> The behavior of this list has changed in the last 24 hours, thus emails that
>> were previously filtered nicely into the proper folder are now hitting my
>> inbox. I dont know what has changed,
> Lots of us were on totally different mailing lists but were just
> subscribed to the user@hadoop.apache.org without being asked. But that
> mailing list has been subsumed into the all purpose user one.

No.  No.  No.   you were on X-user@, and several of the X-user lists
all merged down into a single list since there's lots and lots of
cross pollination.

>> but based on the number of people
>> unsubscribing (improperly), I'm guessing my experience is not unusual and
>> all these people are trying to get *their* inboxes back. Possibly the list
>> is sending from or to a different address now?
> It is. For instance I was reading common-u...@hadoop.apache.org and my
> mail program filters were using that string specifically.

so you are familiar with email headers, but still having a problem.

> ===
> Someone also commented on being able to read. Well I can look at this
> email and it is NOT obvious how to unsubscribe especially to a list
> they didn't join in the first place.

merging lists isn't nearly the same as randomly subscribing people to
lists.   if you'd look at your mail headers, it's excessively clear:

Received: (qmail 44597 invoked by uid 500); 8 Aug 2012 15:10:19 -0000
Mailing-List: contact user-h...@hadoop.apache.org; run by ezmlm
Precedence: bulk
List-Help: <mailto:user-h...@hadoop.apache.org>
List-Unsubscribe: <mailto:user-unsubscr...@hadoop.apache.org>
List-Post: <mailto:user@hadoop.apache.org>
List-Id: <user.hadoop.apache.org>
Reply-To: user@hadoop.apache.org
Delivered-To: mailing list user@hadoop.apache.org
Received: (qmail 44590 invoked by uid 99); 8 Aug 2012 15:10:19 -0000
Received: from athena.apache.org (HELO athena.apache.org) (
    by apache.org (qpsmtpd/0.29) with ESMTP; Wed, 08 Aug 2012 15:10:19 +0000
X-ASF-Spam-Status: No, hits=-0.7 required=5.0
X-Spam-Check-By: apache.org

so people didn't read the notices coming in about merging, can't be
bothered to read headers for something they clearly understand is a
list and want to unsubscribe from, can't be bothered to do some
googling to find how to properly unsubscribe, won't check old emails
to see how they subscribed in the first place and don't seem to read
their own "UNSUBSCRIBE" attempts.   I perhaps less 'can't' and more
Even the Magic 8 ball has an opinion on email clients: Outlook not so good.

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