Hi list,

I have a cluster running Hadoop 0.20.205 with Kerberos enabled, exposing 528 
map slots and 528 reduce slots. Currently somebody is running a NORMAL priority 
job with 7 mappers and 400 reducers. The mappers have finished and the system 
is processing the reducers. Another user is running a NORMAL priority job with 
1 mapper and 26 reducers. The mapper has finished, but the reducers won't come 
out of "pending" state. There are no other jobs running right now. We've not 
yet installed a different scheduler, so right now the system is using the 
default scheduler. How can this behavior be explained? I see mappers of 
multiple jobs run concurrently, and I *thought* I've seen reducers of multiple 
jobs run concurrently, but I'm not completely sure. Any idea?


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