> reducers of multiple jobs do run con-currently as long as they have the
> resources available.

Yep, and that's what's not happening in my situation. 528 reduce slots, 400 
taken by one job, 26 of another job remain in pending state. What could explain 
this behavior?


> If you want to limit someone overtaking the cluster, then you can
> create different job queues and assign quota to each queue. You also
> have the flexibility of allocating max quota per user in a queue as
> well.
> On Tue, Aug 14, 2012 at 4:09 PM, Evert Lammerts
> <evert.lamme...@sara.nl> wrote:
> > Hi list,
> >
> > I have a cluster running Hadoop 0.20.205 with Kerberos enabled,
> exposing 528 map slots and 528 reduce slots. Currently somebody is
> running a NORMAL priority job with 7 mappers and 400 reducers. The
> mappers have finished and the system is processing the reducers.
> Another user is running a NORMAL priority job with 1 mapper and 26
> reducers. The mapper has finished, but the reducers won't come out of
> "pending" state. There are no other jobs running right now. We've not
> yet installed a different scheduler, so right now the system is using
> the default scheduler. How can this behavior be explained? I see
> mappers of multiple jobs run concurrently, and I *thought* I've seen
> reducers of multiple jobs run concurrently, but I'm not completely
> sure. Any idea?
> >
> > Evert
> --
> Nitin Pawar

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