Try using Cloudera CDH4.
It´s a easy way, web front-ended Hadoop ecosystem manager.

Rafael Pecin

De: yogesh dhari []
Enviada em: segunda-feira, 1 de outubro de 2012 11:19
Para: hadoop helpforoum
Assunto: NEED HELP:: using Hadoop in Production
Prioridade: Alta

Hi all,

I have understood the Hadoop and Hadoop Ecosystem(Pig as ETL, Hive as DataWare 
house, Sqoop as importing tool). I worked and learned on single node cluster 
with demo data.

As Hadoop suits best on Unix platform. Please help me to understand the 
requirement form start to finish to use Hadoop in production.

What would be the things to use Hadoop on real time project.

like Hadoop automation on Unix, alert of failure process.

Please put some light on using Hadoop on real time and what objectives are 

Thanks & Regards
Yogesh Kumar


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