Just a little clarification
This is NOT "how open source works" by any means as there are many Open Source 
projects with  well written and maintained documentation. 
It all comes down to the 2 Open Source models
1. ASF Open Source - which is a pure democracy or may be even anarchy without 
any governing (individual or corporate) other then the ASF 
procedures/guidelines themselves
2. Stewardship-based Open Source - controlled and managed by an individual or 

Obviously in the second there is a vested interested by such individual or 
company to promote the product therefore things like documentation tend to be 
much crispier then its ASF counterparts. However the Stewardship-based Open 
Source model is much tighter with regard to control of what goes in, quality of 
code etc., then its ASF counterpart which allows a greater flow to free ideas 
from the community, so both are valid both are open source and both needs to 
exist and we developers just need to deal with it. After all its Open Source 
and the code is always a good source of documentation


On Jan 8, 2013, at 6:59 AM, Mohammad Tariq <donta...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello there,
>      Thank you for the comments. But, just to let you know, 
> it's a community work and no one in particular can be held
> responsible for these kind of small things. This is how open
> source works. Guys who are working on Hadoop have a lot
> of things to do. In spite of that, they are giving their best. In
> the process sometimes these kinda things might happen.
> I really appreciate your effort. But rather than this you can
> raise a JIRA if you find something wrong somewhere and
> fix it or let somebody else fix it.
> Many thanks.
> P.S. : Don't take it otherwise.
> Best Regards,
> Tariq
> +91-9741563634
> https://mtariq.jux.com/
> On Tue, Jan 8, 2013 at 5:05 PM, javaLee <wua...@gmail.com> wrote:
> For example,look at the documents about HDFS shell guide:
> In 0.17, the prefix of HDFS shell is hadoop dfs:
> http://hadoop.apache.org/docs/r0.17.2/hdfs_shell.html
> In 0.19, the prefix of HDFS shell is hadoop fs:
> http://hadoop.apache.org/docs/r0.19.1/hdfs_shell.html#lsr
> In 1.0.4,the prefix of HDFS shell is hdfs dfs:
> http://hadoop.apache.org/docs/r1.0.4/file_system_shell.html#ls
> Reading official Hadoop ducuments is such a suffering.
> As a end user, I am confused...

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