
I am not sure if your complaint is as much about the changing interfaces as
it is about documentation.

Please note that versions prior to 1.0 did not have stable interfaces as a
major requirement. Not by choice, but because the focus was on seemingly
more important functionality, stability, performance etc. Specifically with
respect to the shell commands you refer to, they were going through the
same evolution. From now, 1.x releases will not change these kind of public
interfaces and Apis.

I don't intend that documentation is unimportant. Just that this might be
less of an issue now, post the 1.x release. As others have mentioned, it
would be great if you can participate to improve documentation by filing or
fixing jiras.


On Tuesday, January 8, 2013, javaLee wrote:

> For example,look at the documents about HDFS shell guide:
> In 0.17, the prefix of HDFS shell is hadoop dfs:
> http://hadoop.apache.org/docs/r0.17.2/hdfs_shell.html
> In 0.19, the prefix of HDFS shell is hadoop fs:
> http://hadoop.apache.org/docs/r0.19.1/hdfs_shell.html#lsr
> In 1.0.4,the prefix of HDFS shell is hdfs dfs:
> http://hadoop.apache.org/docs/r1.0.4/file_system_shell.html#ls
> Reading official Hadoop ducuments is such a suffering.
> As a end user, I am confused...

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