I just got hadoop running on EC2 (0.19 just because that's the AMI the scripts 
seemed to go for).  The PI example worked and I believe the wordcount example 
worked too.  However, the output file is in .deflate format.  "hadoop fs -text" 
fails to decompress the file -- it produces the same binary output as "hadoop 
fs -cat", which I find counterintuitive; isn't -text specifically supposed to 
handle this situation?

I copied the file to local and tried manually decompressing it with gunzip and 
lzop (by appending appropriate suffixes), but both tools failed to recognize 
the file.  To add to the confusion, I see this in the default configuration 
offered by the EC2 scripts:

  <description>Should the job outputs be compressed?

...so I don't understand why the output was compressed in the first place.

At this point, I'm kind of stuck.  The output shouldn't be compressed to begin 
with, and all attempts to decompress it have failed.

Any ideas?


Keith Wiley     kwi...@keithwiley.com     keithwiley.com    music.keithwiley.com

"And what if we picked the wrong religion?  Every week, we're just making God
madder and madder!"
                                           --  Homer Simpson

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