I have a list of following processes given below, i am trying to kill the 
process 13082 using:

kill 13082

Its not terminating RunJar.

I have done a stop-all.sh hoping it would stop all the processes but only 
stopped the hadoop related processes.
I am just wondering if it is necessary to stop all other processes before 
starting the hadoop process and how to stop these other processes.

Here is the list of processes which r appearing:

30969 FileSystemCat
30877 FileSystemCat
5647 StreamCompressor
32200 DataNode
25015 Jps
2227 URLCat
5563 StreamCompressor
5398 StreamCompressor
13082 RunJar
32578 JobTracker
385 TaskTracker
31884 NameNode
32489 SecondaryNameNode


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