Here its showing like you are not using as yarn,
please resend it we are unable to see the configuration

On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 1:33 AM, Francis.Hu <>wrote:

>  Hi,All****
> ** **
> I have a hadoop- 2.0.5-alpha cluster with 3 data nodes . I have Resource
> Manager and all data nodes started and can access web ui of Resource
> Manager. ****
> I wrote a java client to submit a job as TestJob class below. But the job
> is never submitted successfully. It throws out exception all the time. ***
> *
> My configurations are attached.  Can anyone help me? Thanks.****
> ** **
> ---------my-java client****
> *public* *class* TestJob {****
>     ****
>     *public* *void* execute() {****
> ** **
>         Configuration conf1 = *new* Configuration();****
>         conf1.addResource("resources/core-site.xml");****
>         conf1.addResource("resources/hdfs-site.xml");****
>         conf1.addResource("resources/yarn-site.xml");****
>         conf1.addResource("resources/mapred-site.xml");****
>         JobConf conf = *new* JobConf(conf1);****
>         ****
>         conf.setJar("/home/francis/hadoop-jobs/MapReduceJob.jar");****
>         conf.setJobName("Test");****
> ** **
>         conf.setInputFormat(TextInputFormat.*class*);****
>         conf.setOutputFormat(TextOutputFormat.*class*);****
> ** **
>         conf.setOutputKeyClass(Text.*class*);****
>         conf.setOutputValueClass(IntWritable.*class*);****
> ** **
>         conf.setMapperClass(DisplayRequestMapper.*class*);****
>         conf.setReducerClass(DisplayRequestReducer.*class*);****
> ** **
>         FileInputFormat.*setInputPaths*(conf,*new* Path(
> "/home/francis/hadoop-jobs/2013070907.FNODE.2.txt"));****
>         FileOutputFormat.*setOutputPath*(conf, *new* Path(
> "/home/francis/hadoop-jobs/result/"));****
> ** **
>         *try* {****
>             JobClient client = *new* JobClient(conf);****
>             RunningJob job = client.submitJob(conf);****
>             job.waitForCompletion();****
>         } *catch* (IOException e) {****
>             e.printStackTrace();****
>         }****
>     }****
> }****
> ** **
> ----------Exception ****
> ** **
> jvm 1    | Cannot initialize Cluster. Please check
> your configuration for and the correspond server
> addresses.****
> jvm 1    |      at
> org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Cluster.initialize(****
> jvm 1    |      at
> org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Cluster.<init>(****
> jvm 1    |      at
> org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Cluster.<init>(****
> jvm 1    |      at
> org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobClient.init(****
> jvm 1    |      at
> org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobClient.<init>(****
> jvm 1    |      at
> com.rh.elastic.hadoop.job.TestJob.execute(****
> ** **
> ** **
> Thanks,****
> Francis.Hu****
> ** **

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