
I configured hadoop-1.0.3, hbase-0.92.1 and hive-0.10.0 .
Created table in HBase.Inserted records.Processing the data using Hive.
I have to show a graph with some points ( 7 - 7 days or 12 for one year).In
one day records may include 1000 - lacks.I need to show average of these
1000 - lacks records.is there any built in haddop mechanism to process
these records fast.

Also I need to run a hive query  or job (when we run a hive query actually
a job is submitting) in every 1 hour.Is there a scheduling mechanism in
hadoop to handle thsese

Please reply.

On Tue, Jul 23, 2013 at 12:24 PM, Mohammad Tariq <donta...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello Sandeep,
> You don't have to convert the data in order to copy it into the HDFS. But
> you might have to think about the MR processing of these files because of
> the format of these files.
> You could probably make use of Sqoop <http://sqoop.apache.org/>.
> I also came across DMX-H a few days ago while browsing. I don't know
> anything about the licensing and how good it is. Just thought of sharing it
> with you. You can visit their 
> page<http://www.syncsort.com/en/Data-Integration/Home>to see more. They also 
> provide a VM(includes CDH) to get started quickly.
> Warm Regards,
> Tariq
> cloudfront.blogspot.com
> On Tue, Jul 23, 2013 at 11:54 AM, Sandeep Nemuri <nhsande...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> Hi ,
>> "How to copy datasets from Mainframe to HDFS directly?  I know that we
>> can NDM files to Linux box and then we can use simple put command to copy
>> data to HDFS.  But, how to copy data directly from mainframe to HDFS?  I
>> have PS, PDS and VSAM datasets to copy to HDFS for analysis using
>> MapReduce.
>> Also, Do we need to convert data from EBCDIC to ASCII before copy? "
>> --
>> --Regards
>>   Sandeep Nemuri

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