Maybe the conf file is missing or no privilege to access or there is
something wrong about the format of your conf files (hdfs-site, core-site,
mapred-site). You can double check them. Also probably the typo of the
<property></property> tag or something like that.

2013/7/23 Ashish Umrani <>

> Hi There,
> First of all, sorry if I am asking some stupid question.  Myself being new
> to the Hadoop environment , am finding it a bit difficult to figure out why
> its failing
> I have installed hadoop 1.2, based on instructions given in the folllowing
> link
> All went well and I could do the and the jps command does
> show all 5 process to be present.
> However when I try to do
> hadoop fs -ls
> I get the following error
> hduser@ashish-HP-Pavilion-dv6-Notebook-PC:/usr/local/hadoop/conf$ hadoop
> fs -ls
> Warning: $HADOOP_HOME is deprecated.
> 13/07/23 05:55:06 WARN conf.Configuration: bad conf file: element not
> <property>
> 13/07/23 05:55:06 WARN conf.Configuration: bad conf file: element not
> <property>
> 13/07/23 05:55:06 WARN conf.Configuration: bad conf file: element not
> <property>
> 13/07/23 05:55:06 WARN conf.Configuration: bad conf file: element not
> <property>
> 13/07/23 05:55:06 WARN conf.Configuration: bad conf file: element not
> <property>
> 13/07/23 05:55:06 WARN conf.Configuration: bad conf file: element not
> <property>
> ls: Cannot access .: No such file or directory.
> hduser@ashish-HP-Pavilion-dv6-Notebook-PC:/usr/local/hadoop/conf$
> Can someone help me figure out whats the issue in my installation
> Regards
> ashish

Yexi Jiang,
ECS 251,
School of Computer and Information Science,
Florida International University

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