The MapReduce ApplicationMaster supports only one job. You can say that (YARN 
ResourceManager + a bunch of MR ApplicationMasters (one per job) = JobTracker).

Tez does have a notion of multiple DAGs per YARN app.

For your specific use-case, you can force that user to a queue and limit how 
much he/she can access.


On Apr 27, 2015, at 3:30 PM, Yang <> wrote:

> conceptually, the MR application master is similar to the old job tracker.
> if so, can I submit multiple jobs to the same MR application master?  it 
> looks like an odd use case, the context is that we have users generating lots 
> of MR jobs, and he currently has a little crude scheduler that periodically 
> launches jobs to the RM by just "hadoop jar ..."
> instead I was thinking to "carve out" a MR2 allocation in RM first, then 
> periodically submit to the "job tracker"/application master, so that all the 
> jobs are localized to this allocation.
> I was also thinking about using Tez instead of MR application master. Tez 
> replaces MR2 application master, not on top of it, right?
> Thanks
> Yang

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