Hah, how so? I am confused as I was under impression that I needed sharing but 
not preemption.

Let’s model this out.

Assuming I got 4 “normal” machines node1-4, and two special node8 and node9 
where JobA can be executed on.

And I need two queues, ProdQ and TestQ equally sharing Node1-4, and a 
“LabeledQ” with node8/9.

When ProdQ is full, it can overflow to TestQ and further to LabeledQ. If TestQ 
is full, the tasks stay in TestQ, or optionally overflow to LabeledQ (either 
way is fine as long as it doesn’t go to ProdQ). And when JobA is running, it 
can only go to LabelledQ. If something else is on LabelledQ, JobA waits.

Do you mind to illustrate how to config the queues to achieve what I am looking 

Thank you Sunil.

From: Sunil Govind [mailto:sunil.gov...@gmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2016 11:44 AM
To: Frank Luo <j...@merkleinc.com>; user@hadoop.apache.org
Subject: Re: how to add a shareable node label?

Hi Frank

Extremely sorry for the delay..

Yes, you are correct. Sharing feature of node label is not needed in your case.
Existing node labels and a queue model could solve the problem.


On Fri, Oct 7, 2016 at 11:59 PM Frank Luo 
<j...@merkleinc.com<mailto:j...@merkleinc.com>> wrote:
That is correct, Sunil.

Just to confirm,  the Node Labeling feature on 2.8 or 3.0 alpha won’t satisfy 
my need, right?

From: Sunil Govind 
Sent: Friday, October 07, 2016 12:09 PM

To: Frank Luo <j...@merkleinc.com<mailto:j...@merkleinc.com>>; 
Subject: Re: how to add a shareable node label?

HI Frank

In that case, preemption may not be needed. So over-utilizing resources of 
queueB will be running till it completes. Since queueA is under served, then 
any next free container could go to queueA which is for Job_A.


On Fri, Oct 7, 2016 at 9:58 PM Frank Luo 
<j...@merkleinc.com<mailto:j...@merkleinc.com>> wrote:

Your description pretty much matches my understanding. Except for “Job_A will 
have to run as per its schedule w/o any delay”. My situation is that Job_A can 
be delayed. As long as it runs in queueA, I am happy.

Just as you said, processes normally running in queueB might not be 
preemptable. So if they overflow to queueA then got preempted, then that is not 

From: Sunil Govind 
Sent: Friday, October 07, 2016 10:50 AM

To: Frank Luo <j...@merkleinc.com<mailto:j...@merkleinc.com>>; 
Subject: Re: how to add a shareable node label?

HI Frank

Thanks for the details.

I am not quite sure if I understood you problem correctly. I think you are 
looking for a solution to ensure that Job_A will have to run as per its 
schedule w/o any delay. Meantime you also do not want to waste resources on 
those high end machine where Job_A is running.

I think you still need node label exclusivity here since there is h/w 
dependency. But if you have 2 queues' which are shared to use "labelA" here, 
then always "Job_A" can be planned to run in that queue, say "queueA". Other 
jobs could be run in "queueB" here. So if you tune capacities and if preemption 
is enabled per queue level, overutilized resources used by "queueB" could be 
preempted for "Job_A".

But if your sharable jobs are like some linux jobs which should not be 
preempted, then this may be only a half solution.


On Fri, Oct 7, 2016 at 7:36 AM Frank Luo 
<j...@merkleinc.com<mailto:j...@merkleinc.com>> wrote:

You confirmed my understanding. I got the understanding by reading the docs and 
haven’t really tried 2.8 or 3.0-alphal.

My situation is that I am in a multi-tenant env, and  got several very powerful 
machines with expensive licenses to run a particular linux job, let’s say 
Job_A. But the job is executed infrequently, so I want to let other jobs to use 
the machines when Job_A is not running. In the meaning time, I am not powerful 
enough to force all other jobs to be preemptable. As matter of fact, I know 
they have Hadoop jobs inserting into sql-server, or just pure linux jobs that 
are not preemptable in nature. So preempt jobs is not an option for me.

I hope it makes sense.


From: Sunil Govind 
Sent: Thursday, October 06, 2016 2:15 PM

To: Frank Luo <j...@merkleinc.com<mailto:j...@merkleinc.com>>; 
Subject: Re: how to add a shareable node label?

HI Frank

Ideally those containers will be preempted if there are unsatisfied demand for 
"configured label".

I could explain this:
"labelA" has few empty resources.  All nodes under "default" label is used. 
Hence a new application which is submitted to "default" label has to wait. But 
if "labelA" is non-exclusive and there are some free resources, this new 
application can run on "labelA".
However if there are some more new apps submitted to "labelA", and if there are 
no more resources available in "labelA", then it may preempt containers from 
the app which was sharing containers earlier.

May be you could share some more information so tht it may become more clear. 
Also I suppose you are running this in hadoop 3 alpha1 release. please correct 
me if I m wrong.


On Thu, Oct 6, 2016 at 9:44 PM Frank Luo 
<j...@merkleinc.com<mailto:j...@merkleinc.com>> wrote:
Thanks Sunil.

>  3. If there is any future ask for those resources , we will preempt the non 
> labeled apps and give them back to labeled apps.

Unfortunately, I am still not able to use it, because of the preemptive 
behavior. The jobs that steals labelled resources are not preemptable, and I’d 
rather waiting instead of killing.

From: Sunil Govind 
Sent: Thursday, October 06, 2016 1:59 AM

To: Frank Luo <j...@merkleinc.com<mailto:j...@merkleinc.com>>; 
Subject: Re: how to add a shareable node label?

Hi Frank
I think as of today this is not possible. You could try and experience the 
"non-exlusive" feature of node-label which will officially come in 2.8 soon. Or 
you can try it in "Hadoop 3 alpha1" release too if its fine to check. 
YARN-3214<https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/YARN-3214> has the details for 
the nodelabel sharing concept.


On Wed, Oct 5, 2016 at 8:14 PM Frank Luo 
<j...@merkleinc.com<mailto:j...@merkleinc.com>> wrote:
Sunil, thanks for responding.

So is there any way to dedicate one kind of jobs to certain machines, then 
having those machines be shared if no dedicated job running?

From: Sunil Govind 
Sent: Wednesday, October 05, 2016 12:50 AM
To: Frank Luo <j...@merkleinc.com<mailto:j...@merkleinc.com>>; 

Subject: Re: how to add a shareable node label?

Hi Frank,

As far as I checked, all labels are "exclusive" in 2.7. In upcoming 2.8 
release, we can get "non-exclusive" or sharable node labels.


On Wed, Oct 5, 2016 at 8:40 AM Frank Luo 
<j...@merkleinc.com<mailto:j...@merkleinc.com>> wrote:
I am using Hadoop 2.7.3, when I run:
$ yarn rmadmin -addToClusterNodeLabels "Label1(exclusive=false)"

I got an error as:

… addToClusterNodeLabels: java.io.IOException: label name should only contains 
{0-9, a-z, A-Z, -, _} and should not started with {-,_}

If I just use “Label1”, it will work fine, but I want a shareable one.

Anyone knows a better way to do it?

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