Great job Vity!

Thanks a lot for sharing. Have you thought about using WebHDFS?


On Thu, Feb 9, 2017 at 7:12 AM, Vitásek, Ladislav <> wrote:

> Hello Hadoop fans,
> I would like to inform you about our tool we want to share.
> We created a new utility - HDFS Shell to work with HDFS more faster.
> *Feature highlights*
> - HDFS DFS command initiates JVM for each command call, HDFS Shell does it
> only once - which means great speed enhancement when you need to work with
> HDFS more often
> - Commands can be used in a short way - eg. *hdfs dfs -ls /*, *ls /* -
> both will work
> - *HDFS path completion using TAB key*
> - you can easily add any other HDFS manipulation function
> - there is a command history persisting in history log
> (~/.hdfs-shell/hdfs-shell.log)
> - support for relative directory + commands *cd* and *pwd*
> - it can be also launched as a daemon (using UNIX domain sockets)
> - 100% Java, it's open source
> You suggestions are welcome.
> -L. Vitasek aka Vity

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