Hi you all,

first of all, thanks for a great project to base our work on, and we hope to
find more time to help and make it better.

Yesterday, we announced Lily at Berlin Buzzwords, which is still going on at
the moment (I'm sitting in on the Cloudera sales pitch -eerrrrr- Hadoop
overview presentation) (I shouldn't be making fun of it, Aaron is a good


Lily pre-release info is out, as written up on our blog and at

Lily = HBase + SOLR = content repository = scalable store + search. Apache

What could be of interest in this community, as I just mentioned in another
thread, is our work on a simple WAL/queue implementation backed by an HBase
table. Once we get back from Berlin, Evert, one of our Lily leads, promised
to deliver this really soon - you'll just have to give us another two-three
weeks to sort out code availability and some more release documentation -
apart from the on-going work on Lily proper itself, of course.

One of the messages I take back from Berlin is that "there's more of us out
there", I met some HBase users with considerably-sized clusters (running
into RS OOME issues, which is bad) that haven't voiced themselves on this
list (which is equally bad). So in that respect, HBase use and community
seems smaller than it actually is.

The great thing about HBase is that usage patterns seem to be on "the
ambitious side" of data storage, which goes nicely side by side with the
somewhat higher resource/infrastructure requirements than when getting
started with -let's say- Riak or Mongo or Couch. People ask us how we'll
"scale down" Lily (thus HBase) for smaller scale setups. It's an interesting
requirement, and we'll see how we can contribute in that area.

Unfortunately, there was no proper HBase presentation at Berlin (apart from
me doing the Lily blablabla). Let's try and do this better next time. It's
great to see Cloudera pick up HBase, however we're convinced that the
ecosphere must get bigger than that. To this extent, we'll try to do our
part, if only at the EU side.

Thanks a lot for a great product, now I'm going to enjoy NoSQL, German beer
and sausages some more.

Steven Noels                            http://outerthought.org/
Outerthought                            Open Source Java & XML
stevenn at outerthought.org             Makers of the Daisy CMS

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