Hi Steven,

First off, congrats for the progress! This is super exciting.

As usual, if you need help you know where to find us :) but it seems
you have it all well under control.

As far as Buzzwords is concerned, I had a proposal submitted but was
rejected. But with projects like Lily we will get more and more
momentum going until a NoSQL event without HBase is unthinkable.

Again, congratulations and all the best!


On Tue, Jun 8, 2010 at 11:06 AM, Steven Noels <stev...@outerthought.org> wrote:
> Hi you all,
> first of all, thanks for a great project to base our work on, and we hope to
> find more time to help and make it better.
> Yesterday, we announced Lily at Berlin Buzzwords, which is still going on at
> the moment (I'm sitting in on the Cloudera sales pitch -eerrrrr- Hadoop
> overview presentation) (I shouldn't be making fun of it, Aaron is a good
> presenter).
> Anyway!
> Lily pre-release info is out, as written up on our blog and at
> http://lilycms.org/lily/prerelease.html
> Lily = HBase + SOLR = content repository = scalable store + search. Apache
> license.
> What could be of interest in this community, as I just mentioned in another
> thread, is our work on a simple WAL/queue implementation backed by an HBase
> table. Once we get back from Berlin, Evert, one of our Lily leads, promised
> to deliver this really soon - you'll just have to give us another two-three
> weeks to sort out code availability and some more release documentation -
> apart from the on-going work on Lily proper itself, of course.
> One of the messages I take back from Berlin is that "there's more of us out
> there", I met some HBase users with considerably-sized clusters (running
> into RS OOME issues, which is bad) that haven't voiced themselves on this
> list (which is equally bad). So in that respect, HBase use and community
> seems smaller than it actually is.
> The great thing about HBase is that usage patterns seem to be on "the
> ambitious side" of data storage, which goes nicely side by side with the
> somewhat higher resource/infrastructure requirements than when getting
> started with -let's say- Riak or Mongo or Couch. People ask us how we'll
> "scale down" Lily (thus HBase) for smaller scale setups. It's an interesting
> requirement, and we'll see how we can contribute in that area.
> Unfortunately, there was no proper HBase presentation at Berlin (apart from
> me doing the Lily blablabla). Let's try and do this better next time. It's
> great to see Cloudera pick up HBase, however we're convinced that the
> ecosphere must get bigger than that. To this extent, we'll try to do our
> part, if only at the EU side.
> Thanks a lot for a great product, now I'm going to enjoy NoSQL, German beer
> and sausages some more.
> Steven.
> --
> Steven Noels                            http://outerthought.org/
> Outerthought                            Open Source Java & XML
> stevenn at outerthought.org             Makers of the Daisy CMS

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