Hi All,
I'm trying to upgrade from HBase 0.20.6 to HBase 0.90.0. I'm running into a
problem with "Wrong FS". The patch I'm applying to hadoop, which used to
work for my hbase-0.20.6, is not correctly showing up in the 0.90.0 install
when running.

The patch I apply to hadoop is:
The patch I apply to hbase is:
I modified the string from "Wrong FS" to  "***Wrong FS***" to make sure my
changes were showing up in HBase, but it does not. The same old string keeps
showing up.

I first build hadoop with the patched version doing
ant clean
cp build/hadoop-*-core.jar ./hadoop-0.20.2-core.jar
cp build/hadoop-0.20.2-core.jar ${HBASE_HOME/lib/

Then with the patched hbase I do:
mvn clean
mvn -DskipTest package
cp target/hbase-0.90.0.jar ./
cp target/hbase-0.90.0.jar ./lib/

After starting it, HBase keeps pulling in the old version of Hadoop. I went
and looked into the jar contents of the
${HBASE_HOME}/lib/hadoop-0.20.2-core.jar file to make sure that my changes
were indeed in the FileSystem.class (location of the "***Wrong FS***"
string) file.

How do I run or build hbase to pick up the updated jar file?


Navraj S. Chohan

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