- hbase-user

No raid should be used, use JBOD instead. I do not think you can setup 3
master nodes in current Hadoop version, can you explain why you believe so?


On Tue, Feb 1, 2011 at 7:50 AM, Joseph Coleman <
joe.cole...@infinitecampus.com> wrote:

> Hi all not sure where to ask this question but here it goes. I have been
> playing with Hadoop for a while now in a test environment before we setup
> and deploy a productions environment. I am using Hadoop 0.20.0  on Ubuntu
> 10.04 LTS install on Dell 1950's currently.
> My question is what raid should I be using for my data nodes? I haven't
> come across anything that clearly spells it out I have used raid1 and then
> EXT4 filesystem but I know this isn't right after further research but not
> sure what do do. I will be setting up 3 masters in a cluster which I will
> raid out. And roughly 10 datanodes running hdfs and hbase and a separate
> zookeeper cluster. Any thoughts or recommendations on the clustering would
> be much appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Joe


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