Yes, that's with 250 threads running, and yes, cpu/memory are mostly around
25% and 40% percent. So we are not pegged there. There are 2 phyical cpus
and 4 core each, with hyper-threading on, which gives us 16 logical cpus.

The hbase cluster has 3 nodes, each with the same cpu/hardware configuration
above. The processor is intel E5620 i think.

What's the best way to do network packet capture?


On Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 10:39 AM, tsuna <> wrote:

> On Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 10:22 AM, benchmark <> wrote:
> > Here is the vmstat 1 results. Is that a lot of context switches? this is
> a
> > box with 8 cpus and hyperthreading enabled on centOS.
> Is this output with 250 threads running?
> When you say "8 cpus", do you mean 1 physical CPU with 4 cores with
> HyperThreading enabled?  What's the model number of that CPU?
> You're seeing only ~1000 context switches per second per core, that's
> not completely unreasonable.  Your server seems more idle than
> anything else...  I'd suggest looking at a packet capture to see what
> the network latency looks like, I'm guessing you'll see that the slow
> responses you're seeing are indeed really slow and that the problem
> comes from the server-side.
> What's your HBase cluster like?  How many nodes, what hardware, what
> configuration?  What's you block cache hit ratio?
> --
> Benoit "tsuna" Sigoure
> Software Engineer @

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