Thanks for replying, J-D.

My interpretation is that they try to keep that number low, from page 2:
> "It is our intent that the number of distinct column families in a
> table be small (in the hundreds at most)"

Table 2 provides some actual CF/table numbers.  One of the crawl tables has
16 CFs and one of the Google Base tables had 29 CFs.

> Could you just store that in the same family?

Yup.  I could.  Their would be a little weirdness to it, but I think it's
doable.  It seems like that's the consensus suggestion.

> Row locking is rarely a good idea, it doesn't scale and they currently
> aren't persisted anywhere except the RS memory (so if it dies...).
> Using a single family might be better for you.

Thanks for the pointer.


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