Thanks Ted for your attention.

I do not know how to open a JIRA, so paste script here. This is not meant to
work for general purpose, all I want to do here is just to insert the
missing meta record.

#  ${HBASE_HOME}/bin/hbase org.jruby.Main test.rb --help
include Java
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.VersionInfo
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HBaseConfiguration
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HConstants
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.FSUtils
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.HTable
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Scan
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Writables
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HRegionInfo
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HTableDescriptor
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Put

# Name of this script
NAME = 'test'

# Print usage for this script
def usage
  puts 'Usage: %s.rb ' % NAME

def getConfiguration
  hbase_twenty = VersionInfo.getVersion().match('0\.20\..*')
  # Get configuration to use.
  if hbase_twenty
    c =
    c = HBaseConfiguration.create()
  # Set hadoop filesystem configuration using the hbase.rootdir.
  # Otherwise, we'll always use localhost though the hbase.rootdir
  # might be pointing at hdfs location. Do old and new key for fs.
  c.set("", c.get(HConstants::HBASE_DIR))
  c.set("fs.defaultFS", c.get(HConstants::HBASE_DIR))
  return c

# Get configuration
conf = getConfiguration()

# Filesystem
fs = FileSystem.get(conf)

# Rootdir
rootdir = FSUtils.getRootDir(conf)

# Get a logger and a metautils instance.
LOG = LogFactory.getLog(NAME)

# Scan the .META. looking for holes
metatable =, HConstants::META_TABLE_NAME)
scan =
scanner = metatable.getScanner(scan)
oldHRI = nil
bad = nil
while (result =
  rowid = Bytes.toString(result.getRow())
  rowidStr =
  bytes = result.getValue(HConstants::CATALOG_FAMILY,
  hri = Writables.getHRegionInfo(bytes)
  endKey = Bytes.toString(hri.getEndKey())
  if Objects.equal(endKey, "text_7aea6698-2503-4624-a835-3ea641d52ba1")
    puts Bytes.toString(hri.getStartKey())
    newhri =,"text_7aea6698-2503-4624-a835-3ea641d52ba1").getBytes(),"").getBytes(), false)
    puts newhri.toString()
    p =

exit 0


On Wed, Jul 6, 2011 at 9:01 PM, Ted Yu <> wrote:

> The attachment didn't go through.
> Can you put the file on pastebin ?
> Or you can open a JIRA and attach it there.
> Thanks
> On Jul 6, 2011, at 5:37 AM, Xu-Feng Mao <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I looks like we've lost a region, include the directory on hdfs and its
> meta record as well. We need some more time to dig into the log sea, to
> figure out the root cause.
> But first of all, we need to recover the meta, so that we can put keys in
> that region. My understanding is the check_meta.rb and add_table.rb could
> fix some meta issues in case the directory on hdfs and its .regioninfo still
> exists.
> In our situation however, since we could not find the region directory any
> longer, it seems that all we could do is still insert a record into the
> meta, then assign it.
> I modified the check_meta.rb, to achieve the insertion. I've tried in our
> environment, it seems work, at least hbase hbck tells me okay. I attached it
> with this message.Any comments is great appreciated.
> I have one more question. I create the new region record with both startkey
> and endkey set, it seems possible that if we're unlucky, during the
> insertion, some split happens, then we might lead to overlap region. I
> wonder how hbase handles this sort of problems generally.
> When I was playing with the test environment, I saw message like some
> region
> 'is multiply assigned to region servers', it is also a inconsistent
> scenario, how can I recover this problem?
> Thanks and regards,
> Mao Xu-Feng
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Xu-Feng Mao < <>>
> Date: Wed, Jul 6, 2011 at 7:20 AM
> Subject: Re: WrongRegionException and inconsistent table found
> To: Xu-Feng Mao < <>>
> Cc: " <>" <<>
>>, " <>
>" < <>
> I forgot the version, we are using cdh3u0.
> Mao Xu-Feng
> 在 2011-7-6,0:59,Xu-Feng Mao < <>> 写道:
> We also check the master log, nothing interesting found.
> On Wed, Jul 6, 2011 at 12:58 AM, Xu-Feng Mao < 
> <><>
>> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> We're running a hbase cluster including 37 regionservers. Today, we found
>> losts of WrongRegionException when putting object into it.
>> hbase hbck -details
>>     reports that
>> ====
>> Chain of regions in table STable is broken; edges does not contain
>> ztxrGmCwn-6BE32s3cX1TNeHU_I=
>> ERROR: Found inconsistency in table STable
>> ====
>> echo "scan '.META.'"| hbase shell &> meta.txt
>> grep -A1 "STARTKEY => 'EStore_everbox_z" meta.txt
>>     reports that
>> ====
>>  Ck=,1308802977279.71ffb1             1ffb10b8b95fd47b3eff468d00ab4e9.',
>> STARTKEY => 'ztn0ukLW
>>  0b8b95fd47b3eff468d00ab4             d1NSU3fuXKkkWq5ZVCk=', ENDKEY =>
>> 'ztqdVD8fCMP-dDbXUAydan
>>  e9.                                                kboD4=', ENCODED =>
>> 71ffb10b8b95fd47b3eff468d00ab4e9, TABLE => {{NAME =
>> --
>>  D4=,1305619724446.c45191           45191821053d03537596f4a2e759718.',
>> STARTKEY => ztqdVD8f
>>  821053d03537596f4a2e7597           CMP-dDbXUAydankboD4=', ENDKEY => '
>> ztxrGmCwn-6BE32s3cX1TN
>>  18.                                                eHU_I=', ENCODED =>
>> c45191821053d03537596f4a2e759718, TABLE => {{NAME =
>> --
>>  pA=,1309455605341.c5c5f5            5c5f578722ea3f8d1b099313bec8298.',
>> STARTKEY => 'zu3zVaLc
>>  78722ea3f8d1b099313bec82           GDnnpjKCbnboXgAFspA=', ENDKEY =>
>> 'zu7qkr5fH6MMJ3GxbCv_0d
>>  98.                                                6g8yI=', ENCODED =>
>> c5c5f578722ea3f8d1b099313bec8298, TABLE => {{NAME =
>> ====
>> It looks like the meta indeed has a hole.(We tried scan '.META.' several
>> times, to confirm it's not a transient status.)
>> We've tried hbase hbck -fix, does not help.
>> We found a thread 'wrong region exception' about two months ago. Stack
>> suggested a 'little surgery' like
>> ====
>> *So, make sure you actually have a hole.  Dump out your meta table:
>> echo "scan '.META.'"| ./bin/hbase shell &> /tmp/meta.txt
>> Then look ensure that there is a hole between the above regions
>> (compare start and end keys... the end key of one region needs to
>> match the start key of the next).
>> If indeed a hole, you need to do a little surgery inserting a new
>> missing region (hbck should fix this but it doesn't have the smarts
>> just yet).
>> Basically, you create a new region with start and end keys to fill the
>> hole then you insert it into .META. and then assign it.  There are
>> some scripts in our bin directory that do various parts of this.  I'm
>> pretty sure its beyond any but a few figuring this mess out so if you
>> do the above foot work and provide a few more details, I'll hack up
>> something for you (and hopefully something generalized to be use by
>> others later, and later to be integrated into hbck).*
>> ====
>> Can anyone give a detailed example, step by step instruction would be
>> greatly appreciated.
>> My understand is we should
>> 1.Since we already has the lost region, we now have start and end keys.
>> 2.generate the row represents the missing region. But how can I generate
>> the encoded name?
>> It looks like I need
>> column=info:server,column=info:serverstartcode and column=info:regioninfo
>> for the missing region.
>> And column=info:regioninfo includes so many information. How to generate
>> them one by one?
>> As for the name of row, it consists of tablename, startkey, encode, and
>> one more long number,
>> how to get this number?
>> 3.use assing command in the hbase shell
>> We also tried check_meta.rb --fix, it reports
>> ====
>> 11/07/06 00:09:08 WARN check_meta: hole after REGION => {NAME =>
>> 'STable,ztqdVD8fCMP-dDbXUAydankboD4=,1305619724446.c45191821053d03537596f4a2e759718.',
>> STARTKEY => 'ztqdVD8fCMP-dDbXUAydankboD4=', ENDKEY =>
>> 'ztxrGmCwn-6BE32s3cX1TNeHU_I=', ENCODED => c45191821053d03537596f4a2e759718,
>> TABLE => {{NAME => 'STable', FAMILIES => [{NAME => 'file', BLOOMFILTER =>
>> TTL => '2147483647', BLOCKSIZE => '65536', IN_MEMORY => 'false',
>> BLOCKCACHE => 'true'}, {NAME => 'filelength', BLOOMFILTER => 'NONE',
>> 2147483647', BLOCKSIZE => '65536', IN_MEMORY => 'false', BLOCKCACHE =>
>> 'true'}, {NAME => 'userbucket', BLOOMFILTER => 'NONE', REPLICATION_SCOPE =>
>> '0', COMPRESSION => 'NONE', VERSIONS => '3', TTL => '2147483647',
>> BLOCKSIZE => '65536', IN_MEMORY => 'false', BLOCKCACHE => 'true'}, {NAME =>
>> 'NONE', VERSIONS => '3', TTL => '2147483647', BLOCKSIZE => '65536',
>> IN_MEMORY => 'false', BLOCKCACHE => 'true'}]}}
>> 11/07/06 00:28:40 WARN check_meta: Missing .regioninfo: hdfs://
>> ====
>> The problem is still there. BTW, what about the blue warning? Is this a
>> serious issue?
>> The situation is quite hard to us, it looks like even we can fill the hole
>> in the meta, we would lost all the data in the hole region, right?
>> Thanks and regards,
>> Mao Xu-Feng

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