Thanks Stack, I embed my reply in italic.

On Thu, Jul 7, 2011 at 12:19 PM, Stack <> wrote:

> On Wed, Jul 6, 2011 at 7:28 PM, Xu-Feng Mao <> wrote:
> > Regarding 'is multiply assigned to region servers'
> > I found these messages after running add_table.rb, and assign them.
> > Maybe before executes add_table.rb, we should disable the table?
> > Or use 'unassign'.
> >
> Yes.  If some already assigned, it'll likely reassign regions though
> you are on 0.90.x and I didn't think regions added by add_table.rb in
> 0.90 context would be assigned.
>     *=====
    Yes, I assigned them manually.*

> > Regarding the recovery script I attached.
> > After I run the script, I can insert values in that region now. But hbck
> > reports
> > ====
> > Chain of regions in table STable contains less elements than are listed
> in
> > META; visited=64035, edges=64044
> > ERROR: Found inconsistency in table STable
> > ====
> Hmm... this reads as though there are some regions not yet assigned.
> Is that possible?  If you add -details to hbck does it name the
> regions not assigned?  If you try assigning one manually in the shell,
> does the could of visited edges go up?
>     *====
    It's interesting* than now hbck -details reports
*ERROR: Region
listed in META on region server but found on region
Chain of regions in table S3Table contains less elements than are listed in
META; visited=64100, edges=64109
ERROR: Found inconsistency in table S3Table

Now there is only one problem region.
Do I need to unassigned the region in the shell? Or maybe it would just take
care of this issue?*

Thanks and regards,

Mao Xu-Feng

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