
I will do the redesign and build the index. Thanks a lot for the insights.


On Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 9:56 PM, Michael Segel <michael_se...@hotmail.com>wrote:

> Narendra,
> I think you are still missing the point.
> 130 seconds to scan the table per iteration.
> Even if you have 10K rows
> 130 * 10^4 or 1.3*10^6 seconds.  ~361 hours
> Compare that to 10K rows where you then select a single row in your sub
> select that has a list of all of the associated rows.
> You can then do  n number of get()s based on the data in the index. (If
> the data wasn't in the index itself)
> Assuming that the data was in the index, that's one get(). This is sub
> second.
> Just to keep things simple assume 1 second.
> That's 10K seconds vs 1.3 million seconds.  (2 hours vs 361hours)
> Actually its more like 10ms  so its 100 seconds to run your code.  (So its
> like 2 minutes or so)
> Also since you're doing less work, you put less strain on the system.
> Look, you're asking for help. You're fighting to maintain a bad design.
> Building the index table shouldn't take you more than a day to think,
> design and implement.
> So you tell me, 2 minutes vs 361 hours. Which would you choose?
> -Mike
> On Apr 19, 2012, at 10:04 AM, Narendra yadala wrote:
> > Michael,
> >
> > Thanks for the response. This is a real problem and not a class project.
> > Boxes itself costed 9k ;)
> >
> > I think there is some difference in understanding of the problem. The
> table
> > has 2m rows but I am looking at the latest 10k rows only in the outer for
> > loop. Only in the inner for loop i am trying to get all rows that contain
> > the url that is given by the row in the outer for loop. So pseudo code is
> > like this
> >
> > All scanners have a caching of 128.
> >
> > Scanner outerScanner =  tweetTable.getScanner(new Scan()); //This gets
> the
> > entire row
> > for (int index = 0; index < 10000; index++) {
> > Result tweet =  outerScanner.next();
> > NavigableMap<byte[],byte[]> linkFamilyMap =
> > tweet.getFamilyMap(Bytes.toBytes("link"));
> > String url = Bytes.toString( linkFamilyMap.firstKey());  //assuming only
> > one link is there in the tweet.
> > Scan linkScan = new Scan();
> > linkScan.addColumn(Bytes.toBytes("link"), Bytes.toBytes(url)); //get only
> > the link column family
> > Scanner linkScanner = tweetTable.getScanner(linkScan); //ideally this for
> > loop is taking 2 sec per sc
> > for (Result linkResult = linkScanner.next(); linkResult != null;
> > linkResult = linkScanner.next()) {
> >    //do something with the link
> > }
> > linkScanner.close();
> >
> >        //do a similar for loop for hashtags
> > }
> >
> > Each of my inner for loop is taking around 20 seconds (or more depending
> on
> > number of rows returned by that particular scanner) for each of the 10k
> > rows that I am processing and this is also triggering a lot of GC in
> turn.
> > So it is 10000*40 seconds (4 days) for each thread. But the problem is
> that
> > the batch process crashes before completion throwing IOException and
> > SocketTimeoutException and sometimes GC OutOfMemory exceptions.
> >
> > I will definitely take the much elegant approach that you mentioned
> > eventually. I just wanted to get to the core of the issue before choosing
> > the solution.
> >
> > Thanks again.
> > Narendra
> >
> > On Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 7:42 PM, Michel Segel <michael_se...@hotmail.com
> >wrote:
> >
> >> Narendra,
> >>
> >> Are you trying to solve a real problem, or is this a class project?
> >>
> >> Your solution doesn't scale. It's a non starter. 130 seconds for each
> >> iteration times 1 million seconds is how long? 130 million seconds,
> which
> >> is ~36000 hours or over 4 years to complete.
> >> (the numbers are rough but you get the idea...)
> >>
> >> That's assuming that your table is static and doesn't change.
> >>
> >> I didn't even ask if you were attempting any sort of server side
> filtering
> >> which would reduce the amount of data you send back to the client
> because
> >> it a moot point.
> >>
> >> Finer tuning is also moot.
> >>
> >> So you insert a row in one table. You then do n^2 operations to pull out
> >> data.
> >> The better solution is to insert data into 2 tables where you then have
> to
> >> do 2n operations to get the same results. Thats per thread btw.  So if
> you
> >> were running 10 threads, you would have 10n^2  operations versus 20n
> >> operations to get the same result set.
> >>
> >> A million row table... 1*10^13. Vs 2*10^6
> >>
> >> I don't believe I mentioned anything about HBase's internals and this
> >> solution works for any NoSQL database.
> >>
> >>
> >> Sent from a remote device. Please excuse any typos...
> >>
> >> Mike Segel
> >>
> >> On Apr 19, 2012, at 7:03 AM, Narendra yadala <narendra.yad...@gmail.com
> >
> >> wrote:
> >>
> >>> Hi Michel
> >>>
> >>> Yes, that is exactly what I do in step 2. I am aware of the reason for
> >> the
> >>> scanner timeout exceptions. It is the time between two consecutive
> >>> invocations of the next call on a specific scanner object. I increased
> >> the
> >>> scanner timeout to 10 min on the region server and still I keep seeing
> >> the
> >>> timeouts. So I reduced my scanner cache to 128.
> >>>
> >>> Full table scan takes 130 seconds and there are 2.2 million rows in the
> >>> table as of now. Each row is around 2 KB in size. I measured time for
> the
> >>> full table scan by issuing `count` command from the hbase shell.
> >>>
> >>> I kind of understood the fix that you are specifying, but do I need to
> >>> change the table structure to fix this problem? All I do is a n^2
> >> operation
> >>> and even that fails with 10 different types of exceptions. It is mildly
> >>> annoying that I need to know all the low level storage details of HBase
> >> to
> >>> do such a simple operation. And this is happening for just 14 parallel
> >>> scanners. I am wondering what would happen when there are thousands of
> >>> parallel scanners.
> >>>
> >>> Please let me know if there is any configuration param change which
> would
> >>> fix this issue.
> >>>
> >>> Thanks a lot
> >>> Narendra
> >>>
> >>> On Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 4:40 PM, Michel Segel <
> michael_se...@hotmail.com
> >>> wrote:
> >>>
> >>>> So in your step 2 you have the following:
> >>>> FOREACH row IN TABLE alpha:
> >>>>   SELECT something
> >>>>   FROM TABLE alpha
> >>>>   WHERE alpha.url = row.url
> >>>>
> >>>> Right?
> >>>> And you are wondering why you are getting timeouts?
> >>>> ...
> >>>> ...
> >>>> And how long does it take to do a full table scan? ;-)
> >>>> (there's more, but that's the first thing you should see...)
> >>>>
> >>>> Try creating a second table where you invert the URL and key pair such
> >>>> that for each URL, you have a set of your alpha table's keys?
> >>>>
> >>>> Then you have the following...
> >>>> FOREACH row IN TABLE alpha:
> >>>> FETCH key-set FROM beta
> >>>> WHERE beta.rowkey = alpha.url
> >>>>
> >>>> Note I use FETCH to signify that you should get a single row in
> >> response.
> >>>>
> >>>> Does this make sense?
> >>>> ( your second table is actually and index of the URL column in your
> >> first
> >>>> table)
> >>>>
> >>>> HTH
> >>>>
> >>>> Sent from a remote device. Please excuse any typos...
> >>>>
> >>>> Mike Segel
> >>>>
> >>>> On Apr 19, 2012, at 5:43 AM, Narendra yadala <
> narendra.yad...@gmail.com
> >>>
> >>>> wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>>> I have an issue with my HBase cluster. We have a 4 node HBase/Hadoop
> >>>> (4*32
> >>>>> GB RAM and 4*6 TB disk space) cluster. We are using Cloudera
> >> distribution
> >>>>> for maintaining our cluster. I have a single tweets table in which we
> >>>> store
> >>>>> the tweets, one tweet per row (it has millions of rows currently).
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Now I try to run a Java batch (not a map reduce) which does the
> >>>> following :
> >>>>>
> >>>>> 1. Open a scanner over the tweet table and read the tweets one after
> >>>>> another. I set scanner caching to 128 rows as higher scanner caching
> >> is
> >>>>> leading to ScannerTimeoutExceptions. I scan over the first 10k rows
> >>>> only.
> >>>>> 2. For each tweet, extract URLs (linkcolfamily:urlvalue) that are
> >> there
> >>>>> in that tweet and open another scanner over the tweets table to see
> >> who
> >>>>> else shared that link. This involves getting rows having that URL
> from
> >>>> the
> >>>>> entire table (not first 10k rows).
> >>>>> 3. Do similar stuff as in step 2 for hashtags
> >>>>> (hashtagcolfamily:hashtagvalue).
> >>>>> 4. Do steps 1-3 in parallel for approximately 7-8 threads. This
> number
> >>>>> can be higher (thousands also) later.
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>> When I run this batch I got the GC issue which is specified here
> >>>>>
> >>>>
> >>
> http://www.cloudera.com/blog/2011/02/avoiding-full-gcs-in-hbase-with-memstore-local-allocation-buffers-part-1/
> >>>>> Then I tried to turn on the MSLAB feature and changed the GC settings
> >> by
> >>>>> specifying  -XX:+UseParNewGC  and  -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC JVM flags.
> >>>>> Even after doing this, I am running into all kinds of IOExceptions
> >>>>> and SocketTimeoutExceptions.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> This Java batch opens approximately 7*2 (14) scanners open at a point
> >> in
> >>>>> time and still I am running into all kinds of troubles. I am
> wondering
> >>>>> whether I can have thousands of parallel scanners with HBase when I
> >> need
> >>>> to
> >>>>> scale.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> It would be great to know whether I can open thousands/millions of
> >>>> scanners
> >>>>> in parallel with HBase efficiently.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Thanks
> >>>>> Narendra
> >>>>
> >>

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