
A FilterList is what you need.

You can use only once scan.setFilter(), but you can pass it a filterList
which contains numerous filters (and other filterLists)...


Le mercredi 02 mai 2012 à 13:22 +0000, Davis a écrit :
> Is there a way to add multiple filter list to a scan object. 
> ie,
> scan.setFilter(Filterlist1);
> scan.setFilter(Filterlist2);
> scan.setFilter(Filterlist3);
> Where Filterlist1,Filterlist2 are objects of FilterList and it contains
> combination of filters like  ColumnPrefixFilter,ValueFilter.
> Or in another words....
> I have a combination of ColumnPrefixFilter and ValueFilter in filterlist1 for
> column one and another combination of ColumnPrefixFilter and ValueFilter in
> filterlist2 for column two. i want to combine these two and get result in one
> shot...
> Can ny1 help???

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