Heya Something,

I had a similar task recently and by far the best way to go about this is with 
bulk loading after pre-splitting your target table.  As you know ImportTsv 
doesn't understand Avro files so I hacked together my own ImportAvro class to 
create the Hfiles that I eventually moved into HBase with completebulkload.  I 
haven't committed my class anywhere because it's a pretty ugly hack, but I'm 
happy to share it with you as a starting point.  Doing billions of puts will 
just drive you crazy.


On 2012-05-09, at 4:51 PM, Something Something wrote:

> I ran the following MR job that reads AVRO files & puts them on HBase.  The
> files have tons of data (billions).  We have a fairly decent size cluster.
> When I ran this MR job, it brought down HBase.  When I commented out the
> Puts on HBase, the job completed in 45 seconds (yes that's seconds).
> Obviously, my HBase configuration is not ideal.  I am using all the default
> HBase configurations that come out of Cloudera's distribution:  0.90.4+49.
> I am planning to read up on the following two:
> http://hbase.apache.org/book/important_configurations.html
> http://www.cloudera.com/blog/2011/04/hbase-dos-and-donts/
> But can someone quickly take a look and recommend a list of priorities,
> such as "try this first..."?  That would be greatly appreciated.  As
> always, thanks for the time.
> Here's the Mapper. (There's no reducer):
> public class AvroProfileMapper extends AvroMapper<GenericData.Record,
> NullWritable> {
>    private static final Logger logger =
> LoggerFactory.getLogger(AvroProfileMapper.class);
>    final private String SEPARATOR = "*";
>    private HTable table;
>    private String datasetDate;
>    private String tableName;
>    @Override
>    public void configure(JobConf jobConf) {
>        super.configure(jobConf);
>        datasetDate = jobConf.get("datasetDate");
>        tableName = jobConf.get("tableName");
>        // Open table for writing
>        try {
>            table = new HTable(jobConf, tableName);
>            table.setAutoFlush(false);
>            table.setWriteBufferSize(1024 * 1024 * 12);
>        } catch (IOException e) {
>            throw new RuntimeException("Failed table construction", e);
>        }
>    }
>    @Override
>    public void map(GenericData.Record record, AvroCollector<NullWritable>
> collector,
>                    Reporter reporter) throws IOException {
>        String u1 = record.get("u1").toString();
>        GenericData.Array<GenericData.Record> fields =
> (GenericData.Array<GenericData.Record>) record.get("bag");
>        for (GenericData.Record rec : fields) {
>            Integer s1 = (Integer) rec.get("s1");
>            Integer n1 = (Integer) rec.get("n1");
>            Integer c1 = (Integer) rec.get("c1");
>            Integer freq = (Integer) rec.get("freq");
>            if (freq == null) {
>                freq = 0;
>            }
>            String key = u1 + SEPARATOR + n1 + SEPARATOR + c1 + SEPARATOR +
> s1;
>            Put put = new Put(Bytes.toBytes(key));
>            put.setWriteToWAL(false);
>            put.add(Bytes.toBytes("info"), Bytes.toBytes("frequency"),
> Bytes.toBytes(freq.toString()));
>            try {
>                table.put(put);
>            } catch (IOException e) {
>                throw new RuntimeException("Error while writing to " +
> table + " table.", e);
>            }
>        }
>        logger.error("------------  Finished processing user: " + u1);
>    }
>    @Override
>    public void close() throws IOException {
>        table.close();
>    }
> }

Oliver Meyn
Software Developer
Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF)
+45 35 32 15 12

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