Heya Something,

I've put my ImportAvro class up for your amusement.  It's a maven project so 
you should be able to check it out, build the jar with dependencies, and then 
just run it.  See the Readme for more details. 


For your table splitting you're best off to create the table programatically 
using the starting keys you decided on using the loop you describe.  
Programatically is also the only way (I think) to pre-split a table with keys 
that aren't strings - eg byte representations of integers/longs.  I wrote a 
little script to do that for our stuff too, which you can find in 


If you need help getting this stuff going please contact me directly rather 
than hitting the list.


On 2012-05-10, at 9:22 AM, Something Something wrote:

> Thank you Tim & Bryan for the responses.  Sorry for the delayed response.
> Got busy with other things.
> Bryan - I decided to focus on the region split problem first.  The
> challenge here is to find the correct start key for each region, right?
> Here are the steps I could think of:
> 1)  Sort the keys.
> 2)  Count how many keys & divide by # of regions we want to create.  (e.g.
> 300).  This gives us # of keys in a region (region size).
> 3)  Loop thru the sorted keys & every time region size is reached, write
> down region # & starting key.  This info can later be used to create the
> table.
> Honestly, I am not sure what you mean by "hadoop does this automatically".
> If you used a single reducer, did you use secondary sort
> (setOutputValueGroupingComparator) to sort the keys?  Did you loop thru the
> *values* to find regions?  Would appreciate it if you would describe this
> MR job.  Thanks.
> On Wed, May 9, 2012 at 8:25 AM, Bryan Beaudreault
> <bbeaudrea...@hubspot.com>wrote:
>> I also recently had this problem, trying to index 6+ billion records into
>> HBase.  The job would take about 4 hours before it brought down the entire
>> cluster, at only around 60% complete.
>> After trying a bunch of things, we went to bulk loading.  This is actually
>> pretty easy, though the hardest part is that you need to have a table ready
>> with the region splits you are going to use.  Region splits aside, there
>> are 2 steps:
>> 1) Change your job to instead of executing yours Puts, just output them
>> using context.write.  Put is writable. (We used ImmutableBytesWritable as
>> the Key, representing the rowKey)
>> 2) Add another job that reads that input and configure it
>> using HFileOutputFormat.configureIncrementalLoad(Job job, HTable table);
>> This will add the right reducer.
>> Once those two have run, you can finalize the process using the
>> completebulkload tool documented at
>> http://hbase.apache.org/bulk-loads.html
>> For the region splits problem, we created another job which sorted all of
>> the puts by the key (hadoop does this automatically) and had a single
>> reducer.  It stepped through all of the Puts calculating up the total size
>> until it reached some threshold.  When it did it recorded the bytearray and
>> used that for the start of the next region. We used the result of this job
>> to create a new table.  There is probably a better way to do this but it
>> takes like 20 minutes to write.
>> This whole process took less than an hour, with the bulk load part only
>> taking 15 minutes.  Much better!
>> On Wed, May 9, 2012 at 11:08 AM, Something Something <
>> mailinglist...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hey Oliver,
>>> Thanks a "billion" for the response -:)  I will take any code you can
>>> provide even if it's a hack!  I will even send you an Amazon gift card -
>>> not that you care or need it -:)
>>> Can you share some performance statistics?  Thanks again.
>>> On Wed, May 9, 2012 at 8:02 AM, Oliver Meyn (GBIF) <om...@gbif.org>
>> wrote:
>>>> Heya Something,
>>>> I had a similar task recently and by far the best way to go about this
>> is
>>>> with bulk loading after pre-splitting your target table.  As you know
>>>> ImportTsv doesn't understand Avro files so I hacked together my own
>>>> ImportAvro class to create the Hfiles that I eventually moved into
>> HBase
>>>> with completebulkload.  I haven't committed my class anywhere because
>>> it's
>>>> a pretty ugly hack, but I'm happy to share it with you as a starting
>>> point.
>>>> Doing billions of puts will just drive you crazy.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Oliver
>>>> On 2012-05-09, at 4:51 PM, Something Something wrote:
>>>>> I ran the following MR job that reads AVRO files & puts them on
>> HBase.
>>>> The
>>>>> files have tons of data (billions).  We have a fairly decent size
>>>> cluster.
>>>>> When I ran this MR job, it brought down HBase.  When I commented out
>>> the
>>>>> Puts on HBase, the job completed in 45 seconds (yes that's seconds).
>>>>> Obviously, my HBase configuration is not ideal.  I am using all the
>>>> default
>>>>> HBase configurations that come out of Cloudera's distribution:
>>>> 0.90.4+49.
>>>>> I am planning to read up on the following two:
>>>>> http://hbase.apache.org/book/important_configurations.html
>>>>> http://www.cloudera.com/blog/2011/04/hbase-dos-and-donts/
>>>>> But can someone quickly take a look and recommend a list of
>> priorities,
>>>>> such as "try this first..."?  That would be greatly appreciated.  As
>>>>> always, thanks for the time.
>>>>> Here's the Mapper. (There's no reducer):
>>>>> public class AvroProfileMapper extends AvroMapper<GenericData.Record,
>>>>> NullWritable> {
>>>>>   private static final Logger logger =
>>>>> LoggerFactory.getLogger(AvroProfileMapper.class);
>>>>>   final private String SEPARATOR = "*";
>>>>>   private HTable table;
>>>>>   private String datasetDate;
>>>>>   private String tableName;
>>>>>   @Override
>>>>>   public void configure(JobConf jobConf) {
>>>>>       super.configure(jobConf);
>>>>>       datasetDate = jobConf.get("datasetDate");
>>>>>       tableName = jobConf.get("tableName");
>>>>>       // Open table for writing
>>>>>       try {
>>>>>           table = new HTable(jobConf, tableName);
>>>>>           table.setAutoFlush(false);
>>>>>           table.setWriteBufferSize(1024 * 1024 * 12);
>>>>>       } catch (IOException e) {
>>>>>           throw new RuntimeException("Failed table construction",
>> e);
>>>>>       }
>>>>>   }
>>>>>   @Override
>>>>>   public void map(GenericData.Record record,
>>> AvroCollector<NullWritable>
>>>>> collector,
>>>>>                   Reporter reporter) throws IOException {
>>>>>       String u1 = record.get("u1").toString();
>>>>>       GenericData.Array<GenericData.Record> fields =
>>>>> (GenericData.Array<GenericData.Record>) record.get("bag");
>>>>>       for (GenericData.Record rec : fields) {
>>>>>           Integer s1 = (Integer) rec.get("s1");
>>>>>           Integer n1 = (Integer) rec.get("n1");
>>>>>           Integer c1 = (Integer) rec.get("c1");
>>>>>           Integer freq = (Integer) rec.get("freq");
>>>>>           if (freq == null) {
>>>>>               freq = 0;
>>>>>           }
>>>>>           String key = u1 + SEPARATOR + n1 + SEPARATOR + c1 +
>>>> +
>>>>> s1;
>>>>>           Put put = new Put(Bytes.toBytes(key));
>>>>>           put.setWriteToWAL(false);
>>>>>           put.add(Bytes.toBytes("info"), Bytes.toBytes("frequency"),
>>>>> Bytes.toBytes(freq.toString()));
>>>>>           try {
>>>>>               table.put(put);
>>>>>           } catch (IOException e) {
>>>>>               throw new RuntimeException("Error while writing to " +
>>>>> table + " table.", e);
>>>>>           }
>>>>>       }
>>>>>       logger.error("------------  Finished processing user: " + u1);
>>>>>   }
>>>>>   @Override
>>>>>   public void close() throws IOException {
>>>>>       table.close();
>>>>>   }
>>>>> }
>>>> --
>>>> Oliver Meyn
>>>> Software Developer
>>>> Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF)
>>>> +45 35 32 15 12
>>>> http://www.gbif.org

Oliver Meyn
Software Developer
Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF)
+45 35 32 15 12

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