Gets just boil down to single-row Scans.  I believe the only reason to do
Scan s = new Scan(Get) would be if you need to add extra options onto the
get.  Get's API is more simplified than Scan's.

On Wed, May 9, 2012 at 4:19 PM, Kevin <> wrote:

> Hi,
> From what I can tell, there are two ways of scanning a table in HBase. I'm
> hoping to learn a bit by asking is the most efficient way to grab a single
> row from an HTable?
> One can ask the HTable directly by creating a Get object, or one can create
> a Scan object with a Get object and pass it along to the HTable.
> Maybe it doesn't matter. By looking at the source code I couldn't see how
> any one way might be faster/better than another.
> Thanks.

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