Any data store may lose data, as a generic statement, so maybe you had 
something more specific in mind?

On May 13, 2012, at 9:21 PM, "Srikanth P. Shreenivas" 
<> wrote:

> There is a possibility that you may lose data, and hence, I would not use it 
> for first class data if data cannot be re-created.
> If you can derive data from secondary source and store data in HBase for 
> performance gains, then, it is a viable use case.
> Regards,
> Srikanth
> -----Original Message-----
> From: S Ahmed []
> Sent: Monday, May 14, 2012 7:52 AM
> To:; Otis Gospodnetic
> Subject: Re: hbase as a primary store, or is it more for "2nd class" data?
> Otis,
> It kind of goes back to what I was saying earlier, if FB is using it for 
> searching your inbox, or storing your chat messages or wall posts, I don't 
> really think that is important (and really it isn't hehe)
> I was just making an observation and wanted to get a feel for what others 
> think.  Obviously ever tool has its purpose and domain, and I was curious as 
> to what others have seen in production usage etc.
> (I do realize some use cases the data is very important like analytic data 
> that usually correlates to advertising $$ etc.)
> On Sun, May 13, 2012 at 10:00 PM, Otis Gospodnetic < 
>> wrote:
>> Hi Ahmed,
>> At Sematext we have a few SaaS products that use HBase as the primary
>> data store.  I hear Facebook uses HBase for some important stuff, too.
>> ;) So far we've survived.  HBase does have rough edges, but also good
>> developers who are making it better every day.
>> Otis
>> ----
>> Performance Monitoring for Solr / ElasticSearch / HBase -
>>> ________________________________
>>> From: S Ahmed <>
>>> To:
>>> Sent: Sunday, May 13, 2012 8:14 PM
>>> Subject: hbase as a primary store, or is it more for "2nd class" data?
>>> I'm interested to learn if people are using hbase as a primary store
>>> or is it more for "2nd class" type data.
>>> Pretend you have a CMS product, or eCommerce Saas application:
>>> What I mean by this is, I consider "primary store" to mean storing
>>> the actual content (say articles, or blog posts), category data, user
>>> information, or shopping cart order, product information.
>>> "2nd class" type data is data like metrics, analytics, log data, or
>>> say index data (data that can be re-built via the primary store).
>>> In general 2nd class data is data that if lost, it won't bring the
>> business
>>> to its knees.
>>> What do you guys think, am I right?
>>> i.e. if you are creating a Saas product, it wouldn't be advisible to
>>> build it using hbase (or it will be kind of bleeding edge architecture).
> ________________________________

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