We are currently on Hbase 0.90 (cdh3u3) and soon will be upgrading to Hbase
0.94. Our application is written in Python and we use Thrift to connect
to HBase.
Looking at Thrift2 (hbase.thrift) I noticed that TScan struct does not
accept filterString as a parameter. This was introduced in HBase 0.92
and  is still part of thrift (version1) specification.

We are required to use thrift2 as our application logic requires columns
returned by thrift to be sorted in the order that they are stored in
Hbase. This was not possible in thrift 1 as TRowResult had columns
stored in a map<Text,TCell>. Thrift 2 takes solves this as it uses a
list to store column values TResult returns list<TColumnValue>.

So we are in a situation where we want to use thrift2 for the sorted
columns (a bigger requirement at this time) but it would also be great
to not give up on using filterString functionality from thrift1. (our
application currently doesn't use filters but we had plans to start
adopting them in the next iteration).

Are there plans to incorporate filterString in thrift2 TScan struct as
well ?


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