What kind of explanation is this???????????

    Mohammad Tariq

On Mon, Jul 2, 2012 at 5:10 PM, Michael Segel <michael_se...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Sorry St. Ack,
> Which is why I said that I was losing it...
> The entire quote was...
> "On Sun, Jul 1, 2012 at 2:05 PM, Jay Wilson
> <registrat...@circle-cross-jn.com> wrote:
>> Can a regionserver and quorumpeer reside on the same node?
> It can, but you want to consider how disk is allocated in the cluster.
> A typical and recommended configuration is HBase RegionServer and HDFS
> DataNode colocated on the nodes. The DataNode will use locally
> attached disk to store and serve blocks.
> "
> Looking at and parsing this you have two things...
> 1) When reading the 'A typical and recommended configuration...' can imply 
> that its possible while not recommended to try and run an HBase RS while not 
> running a DN service on the same node.
> 2) "It can, but you want to consider how disk is allocated in the cluster."
> While on a single machine running as a pseudo cluster is one thing, running a 
> fully distributed cluster is another.
> I am not finding fault with what Andy was saying. The problem is that we tend 
> not to use stronger language when discussing these topics.  And my point 
> wasn't just on this topic but others posts where we say 'not a good idea' yet 
> someone still pursues the idea until there's a chorus of saying not to do 
> something.  I'm not faulting the poster because he wasn't and isn't the only 
> one who does this... We see it all the time where someone goes down the wrong 
> path, and is looking for a quick solution, rather than following the 
> recommendation.
> Now I'm not sure if my KISS statement or my 'dead hooker' analogy or my jokes 
> about drugs.
> KISS, I guess goes back to when I first learned that term. It was a 200 level 
> Engineering graphics course where the instructor mentioned KISS and then 
> stalled on the second S (KIS == Keep it Simple) and used the term 'Stupid' to 
> refer back to the engineer who didn't keep it simple. Of course he was the 
> same Professor who couldn't figure out an algorithm without using a GOTO 
> statement and got huffy when I made the mistake of correcting him in class.  
> (But that's another story.) Not sure if it should be KIS or if the second S 
> in KISS was for something else.
> The 'dead hooker' analogy goes back to watching movie plots and subplots 
> where the hero wakes up next to a body of a dead woman in bed.  While in 
> James Bond films its the evil turned good hottie that gets it, I was thinking 
> back to the Cameron Diaz flick 'Very Bad Things' - 1998 movie where the plot 
> line is based on a prostitute getting killed at a bachelor party. Also for 
> some reason the movie Barton Fink comes to mind, or the Great Gatsby.
> And while I don't advocate drugs, that too is a reference to movies. Its the 
> whole 'Airplane' spoofs where Lloyd Bridges talks about how today was a bad 
> day for giving up  <insert your favorite drug> ...
> Sorry to side track but I thought I'd give a more detailed explanation ...
> On Jul 2, 2012, at 2:51 AM, Stack wrote:
>> On Mon, Jul 2, 2012 at 7:11 AM, Michael Segel <michael_se...@hotmail.com> 
>> wrote:
>>> I'm sorry I'm losing it.
>> Its plain.   Do us a favor and try keeping your psychotic breakdown to
>> yourself going forward.
>> St.Ack

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