So then a GET query means one needs to look in every HFile where key falls 
within the min/max range of the file.

>From another parallel thread, I gather, HFile comprise of blocks which, I 
>think, is an atomic unit of persisted data in HDFS.(please correct if not). 

And that each block for a HFile has a range of keys. My key can satisfy the 
range for the block and yet may not be present. So, all the blocks that match 
the range for my key, will need to be scanned. There is one block index per 
HFile which sorts blocks by key ranges. This index help in reducing the number 
of blocks to scan by extracting only those blocks whose ranges satisfy the key.

In this case, if puts are random wrt order, each block may have similar range 
and it may turn out that Hbase needs to scan every block for the File. This may 
not be good for performance.

I just want to validate my understanding.


-----Original Message-----
From: lars hofhansl [] 
Sent: Tuesday, August 21, 2012 5:55 PM
Subject: Re: HBase Put

That is correct.

 From: "Pamecha, Abhishek" <>
To: "" <>; lars hofhansl 
Sent: Tuesday, August 21, 2012 4:45 PM
Subject: RE: HBase Put
Hi Lars,

Thanks for the explanation. I still have a little doubt:

Based on your description, given gets do a merge sort, the data on disk is not 
kept sorted across files, but just sorted within a file.

So, basically if on two separate days, say these keys get inserted: 

Day1: File1:   A B J M
Day2: File2:  C D K P

Then each file is sorted within itself, but scanning both files will require 
Hbase to use merge sort to produce a sorted result. Right?

Also, File 1 and File2 are immutable, and during compactions, File 1 and File2 
are compacted and sorted using merge sort to a bigger File3. Is that correct 


-----Original Message-----
From: lars hofhansl [] 
Sent: Tuesday, August 21, 2012 4:07 PM
Subject: Re: HBase Put

In a nutshell:
- Puts are collected in memory (in a sorted data structure)
- When the collected data reaches a certain size it is flushed to a new file 
(which is sorted)
- Gets do a merge sort between the various files that have been created
- to contain the number of files they are periodically compacted into fewer, 
larger files

So the data files (HFiles) are immutable once written, changes are batched in 
memory first.

-- Lars

From: "Pamecha, Abhishek" <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Tuesday, August 21, 2012 4:00 PM
Subject: HBase Put


I had a  question on Hbase Put call. In the scenario, where data is inserted 
without any order to column qualifiers, how does Hbase maintain sortedness wrt 
column qualifiers in its store files/blocks?

I checked the code base and I can see 
 being  made for lexicographic insertions for Key value pairs.  But I cant seem 
to find out how the key-offset is calculated in the first place?

Also, given HDFS is by nature, append only, how do randomly ordered keys make 
their way to sorted order. Is it only during minor/major compactions, that this 
sortedness gets applied and that there is a small window during which data is 
not sorted?


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