On Fri, Aug 24, 2012 at 6:52 PM, N Keywal <nkey...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Adrien,
>>  What do you think about that hypothesis ?
> Yes, there is something fishy to look at here. Difficult to say
> without more logs as well.
> Are your gets totally random, or are you doing gets on rows that do
> exist? That would explain the number of request vs. empty/full
> regions.

Totally randoms (even on keys that do not exist). But the number of
writeRequests looks also roughly well distributed.

> It does not explain all what you're seeing however. So if you're not
> exhausting the system resources, there may be a bug somewhere. If you
> can reproduce the behaviour on a pseudo distributed cluster it could
> be interesting, as I understand from you previous mail, you have a
> single client, and may be a single working server at the end...

I'm working on it ! Thanks,
> Nicolas


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